Лексико-грамматические тестовые задания для подготовки к огэ. Времена глаголов. активный залог. Что это значит? Опять надо учить топики



Множественное число существительных .

Задание № 1.

Поставьте существительные в скобках во множественное число.

      There are ten ….............(flower) in the vase.

      My sister has got two …............(baby).

      There are two …............. (man) in the car.

      How many …............. (tooth) has the baby got?

      She"s got four ….......... (duck) in her garden.

      Have you got any ….......... (child)?

      I bought two …......... (scarf} yesterday.

      These shoes are too large for my …...........(foot).

      These ….........(story) are very interesting.

      The cat has caught a lot of ….........(mouse).

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

Задание №2.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. This is …............ in Moscow.

A an older B the oldest C the most old

2. Our new house is four storeys …...........than the one we lived before.

A more higher B higher C high

3. Is Lomonosov …........... than Pavlovsk?

A famouser B more famous C the most famous.

4. That was …............man I have ever met.

A the worst В the most bad C worse

5. To my mind thrillers are …........interesting than adventure books.

A more В better C least

    A better В the best C gooder

7. It"s …................ book I have ever read.

A exciting В more exciting C the most exciting

        My brother knows English much better than I do. I"d like to know this language …............my brother.

A as bad as В as well as С more than

        There"s plenty of food, so eat............... you like.

A as much as В as many as C more than

          This lunch was …......... as it was yesterday.

A not tasty В not so tasty C more tasty


Задание №3

          Henry usually (wear) glasses and now he (wear) sunglasses.

          On Sunday we sometimes (go) to the cinema or to a disco club.

          I (not see) my cousin since last year.

          A world-famous violinist (play)on tonight"s concert

          Where (be) your brother? -He just (come) home.

          I (wait) for permission to go abroad for three weeks, but I (not receive) the visa yet.

          She is very happy: her son (finish) school.

          My parents (not listen) to rock music.

          He (take) a shower in the bathroom now?

          The lecture (not begin) yet and the students (talk) in the classroom.


Задание №4

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной форме.

1. Five people (loose) their lives in that terrible hurricane some months ago.

2. They (do) the task by two o"clock.

3. It was getting hotter and hotter and the animals (lay) in the shade of the

          Robin Hood and his merry men (take) money from the rich and

(give) to the poor.

5. All my friends (be) glad to hear that I (pass) all the exams successfully



Задание № 5

Выберите правильный ответ.

          I booked my holiday ages ago/ I am going/ will go to Spain.

          May be I"ll go/am going to bed early tonight.

          Look at those black clouds! It’s probably going to/will rain.

          I promise I am going to/will feed the cat.

          I will/am going to order a pizza if you like.

          I want to buy a new video game so I"ll/am going to save my pocket money.


Задание №6

Выберите правильный ответ.

1.Yesterday he...........shown the information obtained de them.

A was В will be C were

2. Ice hockey sticks …............made out of good quality wood.

A is В are C was

3. The new stadium …........built three years ago.

A was В were C will

4. Swimming …........ enjoyed by many people as a good form of exercise.

A are В be C is

5. An important contract …........signed tomorrow.

A will В was C will be

Задание № 7

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной форме.

1. The letter (post) in half an hour.

2. The young man (introduce) to me only two hours ago.

3. The interesting information can (find) in this

interesting book.

4. At the last competition the first prize (win) by our team. 5. Three foreign language (teach) in this school.

6. A lot of letters and cables (type) and (send) every day.

7. I hope the invitation (accept) by everybody. 8. The composition must (hand) in on Wednesday.

9. The hostess said that one more guest (expect).

10. Which article (translate) by your brother?


Задание №8

Выберите правильный ответ.

          I …..........show you round Moscow if you want.

A Would В саn C could

2. Bob …......... learn French next year, because he has customers in French-speaking countries.

A must В needn"t C will be allowed to

          …..........I leave the office earlier today? My baby is ill, I ….....look after him.

A will, need В should, have to C may, must

4. My husband often goes to Sochi on business. Last month he …........

A had to В must C may

5. Did you …......... discuss the delivery dates in details?

A had to В have to C dare

6. I"ll ….........speak English fluently when I finish my school

A have to В be able to C be to

7. I ….......... see him as soon as possible. The matter is urgent.

A can В must C might

8. My shoes and trousers are all wet. I …........change my clothes.

A should В could C need not

9. Many cars had radios, so people ….........listen while travelling

from place to place.

A had to В could C can

10. I …........ like to know so many things about your country.

I am really excited about it.

A might В might C would



Задание №9.

Раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в правильную форму.

            I live in Scotland. If I............. (live) in France I …....... (learn)

            If I ….......(be) you, I ….......(not go) to the party. I really don"t think it"s a good idea.

            I usually see John in the afternoon. I …...........(give) him your

message if I ….......see him later.

            Don"t worry. I ….......(help) you with your chemistry homework

if you ….......... (not understand) it.

5. I ….......(buy) а new computer if I …..........(have)enough money.

Unfortunately I"ve only got $50!

            The weather"s been very good recently. If it ….......(be)good

at the weekend, we ….......(go) to the mountains.

            I ….........(do) more sport if I …......(have) more free time, but

I"m extremely busy at the moment.

8. If you ….......(do) your homework on the computer, it …......


Задание №10

Выбрать правильный ответ.

              We like to hang ….... ft the cafe in the afternoon.

A in В over C out

2. That hat really goes …....your gloves.

A on В with C in

3. They gave ….... kick-boxing because they got bored.

A up В away C back

4. Mr Thomson looked at me and asked me to go …...

A off В on C with

5. Why don"t you use your dictionary to look ….....

A up В after C in

6. He ran ….... milk, so he went to buy some.

A into В out of C to

7. They gave ….... their old toys to the poor children.

A up В on C away

8. We"re really looking ….... our summer holidays this year.

A forward to В to C for

9. He came ….. this chessboard in an antique shop.

A васк В across C into

10. Turn …...... the lights when you leave, please.

A off В on C after


Задание №11

Поставьте слова, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

          Теlevision is a very …......... (effect) advertising medium.

          We must …......(careful) examine this figures.

          The ….......(major) of wealthy people live in suburbs.

          Parachuting is an incredibly exciting form of ….....(entertain).

          The famous singer has ….....(recent) started to lead a lonely life.

          According to the …...(late) news reports, police investigation is

being continued.

7. We were all surprised by his unexpected …......(appear) at the party.

8. Healthy eating is of great ….....(import) to professional athletes.

9. A mobile phone is a …......(use) gadget when you are lost.

10. The discovery of antibiotics cured many …...(harm) diseases.


Задание №12

Прочитайте текст и вставьте подходящие слова, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов.

A burglar wanted to steal a valuable picture. One night he ___ (1) into

the house and went into the hall. Suddenly a ghost entered the hall. The

robber was so much shocked he could hardly ____(2). ""Hi!- said the ghost.

What a pretty costume. Very life-like!"" At that moment a smiling vampire

came in. In his hand he was holding a glass with some red liquid. The

vampire shouted, ""How nice you ___(3), we are running ___(4) of the drink.

The burglar rushed ___(5) the house. On the gate he saw the following words:

""Like ___(6) up? Our party is just for you!"" It was only a Halloween party.

If he only had known about it! The burglar thought that after ___(7) time

he ___(8) no more.

        A broke В broken C had broken

        A Stay В stand C stop

        A came В have come C are coming

        A away В off C out

        A out of В away from C through

        A clothing В dressing C putting

        A it В then C this

        A steal В will steal C would steal

Задание №13

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию

Mangoes are a 1)______ fruit that are thousands of TROPIC

years old. They 2)______ in India and southeast Asia ORIGIN

in the 4 th and 5 th centuries. Their name comes from the

Malayan word for the fruit manga. This word was then

translated into 3) _______ and then into English. PORTUGAL

Mangoes are distributed 4)______ around the world WIDE

and they are a very popular fruit.They can be yellow,

green, orange, red and although they are oval 5) ____ , SHAPE

they come in a 6) ______ of sizes. They are eaten as VARY

they are or used for flavour, 7) _______ or colour. FRAGRANT

It is a very 8) _______ fruit with a unique taste. The JUICE

flesh is 9) ______sweet and it has a high water content.


Задание №1

        flowers 2. babies 3. men 4. teeth 5. ducks

6. children 7. scarves 8. feet 9. stories 10. mice

Задание №2

1 С; 2 B; 3 B; 4 A; 5 A; 6 B; 7 C; 8 B; 9 A; 10 B;

Задание №3

        wears, is wearing

      1. is, has just come

        have been waiting, haven"t received

      2. hasn"t begun. are talking

Задание №4

1. lost 2. had done 3. were lying

4.took, gave 5. were, had passed 6. did you receive

7. was standing, cutting 8. did they rescue

9. saw, was driving 10. gave, had bought

Задание №5

1. am going 2. I"ll go 3.going to rain

4. will feed 5. will 6. am going

7. will 8. will 9. is going 10. will


1 A; 2 B; 3 A; 4 C; 5 C

Задание №7

1. will be posted 2. was introduced 3.be found

4. was won 5. are taught 6. are typed sent

7. will be accepted 8. be handed

9. was expected 10. is translated

Задание №8

1 B; 2A; 3C; 4A; 5 B; 6 B; 7 B; 8 A; 9 B; 10 C

Задание №9

1. lived , would learn 2. were , wouldn"t

3. will give, see 4. will help, don"t understand

5. would buy, had 6. is , will go

7. would do, had 8. did, would be

Задание №10

1 C 2A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 В 7 C 8A 9В 10 A

Задание №11

1. effective 2. carefully 3. majority 4. entertainment

5. recently 6. latest 7.appearance 8. importance

9. useful 10. harmful

Задание №12

1 A; 2 B; 3 B; 4 C; 5 B; 6 B; 7 C; 8 C

Задание №13

    tropical 2. originate 3. Portuguese 4. widely

    shaped 6. variety 7. fragrance 8.especially 9.especially

Источники информации.

    Virginia Evans. Round-up English grammar practice, Longman ,2001

    Hester Lott. Real English Grammar, Marshal Cavendish,2006

    И.Л. Бим и др. Сборник заданий для проведения экзамена в 9 классе, М., Просвещение,2010

Мы с учениками делаем это по следующей схеме:

  • Если перед нами существительное :
    1) Наиболее вероятный вариант – образовать от него форму множественного числа (выучить все исключения, типа foot – feet, а если мн. ч. образуется по общему правилу, то быть внимательным – не меняется ли конечная y на i, не меняется ли f на v, не добавляется ли -es вместо привычного – s и прочая головная боль).
    2) Менее вероятный – притяжательная форма существительного (вроде world – world’s). Я такие задания не видела, но мало ли … Распознать этот случай легко – после пропуска будет стоять еще одно существительное.
  • Если видите местоимение (например, I), ставите его в правильный падеж – объектный (me), притяжательный (my или mine). Также в задании встречаются возвратные местоимения (myself). Или указательное местоимение (this, that) можно ставите во мн. ч. Неопределенные местоимения (some, any, no, every и их производные) в тестах не видела, но кодификатор предупреждает, что они могут попасться.
  • С числительными все волшебно просто – преобразуем порядковое в количественное и количественное в порядковое. Главное – выучить все тонкости их правильнописания.
  • Прилагательное или наречие ставим в какую-то из степеней сравнения. Если после пропуска стоит than, это сравнительная, а если перед пропуском – the, то превосходная.
    Внимание! Ученики то и дело норовят в этом задании сделать из прилагательного наречие или дописать спереди отрицательную приставку. Обращаем внимание, что так можно делать только в следующем задании.
  • А вот с глаголами придется попотеть. И сначала понять – перед нами личная форма (та, которая изменяется по временам) или неличная (причастие активное или пассивное).
    1) Узнать причастие легко – в предложении уже есть сказуемое, выраженное личной формой глагола. Когда узнали, думаем – активное или пассивное у него значение.
    2) Если в предложении пропуск стоит после подлежащего, и сказуемого недостает, перед нами точно личная форма.
    Как и с причастием, решаем активный это залог или пассивный (переведя предложение) и дальше думаем, в какое время его поставить. В этом же предложении (ну, или в предыдущих) могут стоять слова-подсказки. Если их нет, смотрим на само предложение и что его окружает.
    Пройдя все эти подводные камни, не ошибиться бы еще в написании формы глагола, выучив правила орфографии и неправильные глаголы.
    Также нужно уметь распознавать предложения условия (и конструкции с I wish) или согласование времен в косвенной речи, которые также могут тут встретиться.

Разберем эту часть из демоверсии ОГЭ:

Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to __________________ when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war. THEY
Раз стоит после глагола, значит это объектный падеж (them).

They __________________ to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station. SEND
Пропуск сразу после подлежащего – точно личная форма, после перевода предложения ясно, что их послали, значит это пассив. Слов-подсказок нет, но в окружающих предложениях идет последовательность действий, выраженная Past Simple, значит это тот же случай (were sent).

He __________________ a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper. NOT/HAVE
Опять личная форма, и точно активный залог. Все та же последовательность действий в Past Simple (did not have/ didn’t have/ hadn’t/ had not).

He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head. The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the __________________ of them, felt a little afraid of him. YOUNG
Прилагательное, перед пропуском определенный артикль – превосходная степень сравнения (youngest). Некоторые забываются, и пишут два слова – the youngest, чего делать нельзя!

On their __________________ evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning. ONE
Совсем просто – меняем количественное числительное на порядковое (first).

When the next morning came, there was a steady rain falling. “I wish the weather __________________ more cheerful!” said Edmund. BE
Конструкция с I wish в школе изучается только в сочетании с Past Simple после нее (was/ were).

“Stop complaining, Ed,” said Susan. “I think the weather __________________ soon.” IMPROVE
Опять личная форма (сразу после подлежащего), по смыслу ясно, что это активный залог и говорим о будущем (will improve/is going to improve).

“We were going to explore the house,” Peter reminded them. He __________________ a sandwich at the moment and was absolutely happy with the whole situation. EAT
Опять личная форма, активный залог, и подсказка – at the moment, значит время группы Continous, а глагол в прошлом в этом предложении дает основания предполагать, что это Past Continous (was eating).

Everyone nodded and at that point their amazing adventures __________________. BEGIN
Личная форма, активный залог, последовательность действий (began).

Плохая новость: подготовка к этой части очень трудоемкая, ее нужно начинать хотя бы за год, и требует она кропотливой работы.

Хорошая новость: при должном усердии можно всю грамматику освоить, и это задание делать за 10 минут, сохраняя время для остальных частей ОГЭ. Здесь нет того элемента неожиданности, который присутствует в аудировании и чтении.

И несколько общих советов по выполнению:

  1. Читать ВЕСЬ текст сплошняком, потому что подсказка на грамматическую форму может быть не в этом конкретном предложении, а в предыдущем. Или в последующем.
  2. Если вы правильно определили форму, озаботьтесь еще ее правильным написанием. При корявой орфографии не зачтут.
  3. Глагольные формы могут быть полные или краткие, без разницы (haven’t или have not).
  4. Проверьте еще раз.
  5. Если ничего не знаете, все равно напишите хоть что-нибудь, мало ли.


Для подготовки к именно этой части экзамена очень рекомендую вот эту книгу.

Главной целью настоящей книги является пошаговая подготовка старшеклассников к сдаче Основного государственного экзамена по английскому языку, включая систематизацию английской грамматики, стратегии чтения и написания личною письма. Книга состоит из трех разделов: чтение, письмо и грамматика и лексика. В каждом из этих разделов содержится как теоретический материал, изложенный в доступной и четко структурированной форме, так и практическая часть, включающая типовые задания, а также методические рекомендации по их выполнению и ответы. Все тренировочные задания соответствуют демоверсии, утвержденной в 2016 году.
Предлагаемый курс ориентирован на учащихся старших классов общеобразовательных школ, гимназий и лицеев, а также будет полезен для самостоятельного изучения. Кроме того, пособие может заинтересовать участников олимпиад, преподавателей и репетиторов.

Условные предложения.
В английском языке выделяют три типа условных предложений:
1. I тип: предложения реального условия. Действие относится к будущему времени.
If + Present Simple (придаточное предложение) + Future Simple (главное предложение)
If the weather is fine, we"ll go for a walk. - Если погода будет хорошей, мы пойдем на прогулку.
If we are in a hurry, we"ll catch the train, - Если мы поторопимся, то успеем на поезд.
Примечание: вместо if могут также использоваться следующие союзы: in case, on condition that, provided, etc.

In case I am too busy, my secretary will show her attention to you. - В случае если я буду занят, мой секретарь уделит вам внимание.
Примечание: вместо would может также употребляться should со всеми лицами и числами в значении «если вдруг», «если так произойдет, что»:

If you should ring me up, I’ll do my best to help you out. - Если ты вдруг мне надумаешь позвонить, я сделаю все от себя зависящее, чтобы помочь тебе.

Часть I. Чтение
Практические тесты
Часть II. Грамматика и лексика
Неопределенный артикль “а/аn”
Определенный артикль “the”
Нулевой артикль
Множественное число
Личные местоимения
Притяжательные местоимения
Указательные местоимения
Относительные местоимения
Вопросительные местоимения
Местоимения some, any, по, every и их производные
Much / many, little / a little, few / a few
Either, neither, both
Количественные числительные
Порядковые числительные
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Видовременные формы глагола
Present Simple / Простое настоящее время
Present Continuous /Настоящее длительное время
Present Perfect / Настоящее завершенное время
Present Perfect Continuous / Настоящее совершенно-длительное время
Past Simple / Простое прошедшее время
Past Continuous / Прошедшее длительное время
Past Perfect / Прошедшее завершенное время
Past Perfect Continuous / Прошедшее совершенно-длительное время
Future Simple / Простое будущее время
Future Continuous / Будущее длительное время
Future Perfect / Будущее завершенное время
Future Perfect Continuous / Будущее совершенно-длительное время
Согласование времен
Косвенная речь
Страдательный залог
Порядок слов в утвердительных предложениях
Безличные предложения
There is / There are
Сложные предложения
Сложноподчиненные предложения
Сложносочиненные предложения
Типы вопросов
Модальные глаголы
То be able to
To have to
To be to
Ought to
Условные предложения
Фразовые глаголы
Неличные формы глагола
Особенности употребления герундия и инфинитива
Практические тесты
Часть III. Письмо
Практические тесты
Список литературы.

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Скачать книгу Английский язык, Готовимся к ОГЭ, Ягудена А., 2016 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

Задание Ответ

Amy was clothes shopping. She was trying on new outfits when her mobile phone suddenly __RING __. It was her friend Adam. He wanted to know if she needed any help __STUDY __ for their history test.
‘Yes, please!’ said Amy. ‘I __DO __ badly in the last test, so I really want to impress Mrs Sanders this time.’
They arranged to meet at Adams house at seven o’clock. ‘I can’t find my history notes, so remember to bring __YOU __’ said Adam.
At eight o’clock, Amy still __NOT ARRIVE __. Adam was not happy.
‘I can’t wait any __LONG __,’ he thought to himself.

He was just about to call his friend Tom when he heard a couple of __WOMAN __ voices outside. It was Amy and an older woman. Adam opened the door. ‘Hi Adam,’ said Amy. ‘Sorry I’m a few minutes late. The bad news is that I __LOSE __ my history notes too.’
Amy smiled. ‘But don’t worry because this is a good friend of __ME __ and she’s a history teacher!’

Amy was clothes shopping. She was trying on new outfits when her mobile phone suddenly RANG . It was her friend Adam. He wanted to know if she needed any help STUDYING for their history test.
‘Yes, please!’ said Amy. ‘I DID badly in the last test, so I really want to impress Mrs Sanders this time.’
They arranged to meet at Adams house at seven o’clock. ‘I can’t find my history notes, so remember to bring YOURS ’ said Adam.
At eight o’clock, Amy still HAD NOT ARRIVED . Adam was not happy.
‘I can’t wait any LONGER ,’ he thought to himself.
‘I’ll have to get the notes from someone else.’
He was just about to call his friend Tom when he heard a couple of WOMEN’S voices outside. It was Amy and an older woman. Adam opened the door. ‘Hi Adam,’ said Amy. ‘Sorry I’m a few minutes late. The bad news is that I HAVE LOST (можно LOST) my history notes too.’
Amy smiled. ‘But don’t worry because this is a good friend of MINE and she’s a history teacher!’

Задание 2 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

The Cyrillic alphabet is the alphabet used in Russian text. It is one of the most __WIDE __ used alphabets in the world.

The alphabet is used in __VARY __ languages, including Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Ukrainian.

It began in the __TEN __ century in the Bulgarian Empire. It was created by two Greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius.

It was formed from the Greek alphabet, although there are many __DIFFER __ between the two.

Some people would like the alphabet to be called the Russian alphabet, to refer to Russia, just as the Greek alphabet refers to Greece. They __AGREE __ with the name Cyrillic.

The alphabet recently became the EU’s third __OFFICE __ script, after Latin and Greek, when Bulgaria joined the EU.

The Cyrillic alphabet is the alphabet used in Russian text. It is one of the most WIDELY used alphabets in the world.

The alphabet is used in VARIOUS languages, including Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Ukrainian.

It began in the TENTH century in the Bulgarian Empire. It was created by two Greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius.

It was formed from the Greek alphabet, although there are many DIFFERENCES between the two.

Some people would like the alphabet to be called the Russian alphabet, to refer to Russia, just as the Greek alphabet refers to Greece. They DISAGREE with the name Cyrillic.

The alphabet recently became the EU’s third OFFICIAL script, after Latin and Greek, when Bulgaria joined the EU.

Задание 3 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

The rouble is the currency of Russia. It __BE __ in use for around five centuries.

Sometimes, the rouble used in Russia __KNOW __ as the Russian rouble. This is because some other countries also call their currencies roubles.

In the 1700s, Russian roubles __MAKE __ with precious metals such as silver, gold and platinum.

The Russian government __BEGIN __ printing paper monev until towards the end of the 1700s.

Russian rouble banknotes today have images of well-known places in Russia, as well as famous __MAN __ in Russian history.

The banknotes have modern features that stop __THEY __ from being copied illegally.

The __HIGH __ amount that appears on a banknote is 5,000 Russian roubles. After that, there are banknotes worth 1,000, 100, 50, 10 and 5 roubles.

However, there are also 5- and 10-rouble coins, and these are used __COMMONLY __ than the 5- and 10-rouble banknotes.

Because 5-rouble coins are used so often, the government decided to stop __PRINT __ the 5-rouble banknotes any more.

The rouble is the currency of Russia. It HAS BEEN in use for around five centuries.

Sometimes, the rouble used in Russia IS KNOWN as the Russian rouble. This is because some other countries also call their currencies roubles.

In the 1700s, Russian roubles WERE MADE with precious metals such as silver, gold and platinum.

The Russian government DID NOT BEGIN printing paper money until towards the end of the 1700s.

Russian rouble banknotes today have images of well-known places in Russia, as well as famous MEN in Russian history.

The banknotes have modern features that stop THEM from being copied illegally.

The HIGHEST amount that appears on a banknote is 5,000 Russian roubles. After that, there are banknotes worth 1,000, 100, 50, 10 and 5 roubles.

However, there are also 5- and 10-rouble coins, and these are used MORE COMMONLY than the 5- and 10-rouble banknotes.

Because 5-rouble coins are used so often, the government decided to stop PRINTING the 5-rouble banknotes any more.

Задание 4 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

Gina was going to play the part of a very old woman in the school play. She was looking forward to the first __PERFORM __ of the show.

A few minutes before going on stage, she had an accident. She didn’t notice a box on the floor, fell over it, and hurt her knee very __BAD __ .

She could barely walk and she didn’t know what to do. She felt __USE __ .

Then she remembered the expression “the show must go on”. Although Gina’s pain was __TERROR __ , she decided to carry on with the play.

Every second on stage was really __PAIN __ , but somehow she managed it.

Everyone thought her acting was very __IMPRESS __ and that she really looked like an old lady!

Gina was going to play the part of a very old woman in the school play. She was looking forward to the first PERFORMANCE of the show.

A few minutes before going on stage, she had an accident. She didn’t notice a box on the floor, fell over it, and hurt her knee very BADLY .

She could barely walk and she didn’t know what to do. She felt USELESS .

Then she remembered the expression “the show must go on”. Although Gina’s pain was TERRIBLE , she decided to carry on with the play.

Every second on stage was really PAINFUL , but somehow she managed it.

Everyone thought her acting was very IMPRESSIVE and that she really looked like an old lady!

Задание 5 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

Frank’s birthday is on 6th July. Last year, he decided to have a big party for all his friends as it __BE __ his sixteenth birthday.

In previous years, his parents had refused to let him have a party, so he __FEEL __ very excited when they said yes this time.

‘This is going to be the __GOOD __ party ever!’ he told his friend, Charlie. ‘Will you help me?’

‘Sure’ __REPLY __ Charlie, because he liked the idea. So they started planning the party together.

Charlie and Frank had been to lots of __PARTY __ so they knew what to do.

‘What we need is some good music,’ said Frank. ‘We’ve got lots of MP3s, but it would be great if we __HAVE __ a sound system to play them really loudly.’

‘That’s a good idea,’ Charlie agreed. ‘My cousin is a DJ, so I’ll ask him if we can borrow __HE __ equipment.’

‘I __THINK __ your cousin was a policeman ’ Frank said, confused. Charlie told him that he had nineteen cousins.

‘Oh, yes, your family is much bigger than __I __ ’ said Frank. ‘Just don’t invite them all to the party!’

Franks birthday is on 6th July. Last year, he decided to have a big party for all his friends as it WAS his sixteenth birthday.

In previous years, his parents had refused to let him have a party, so he FELT very excited when they said yes this time.

‘This is going to be the BEST party ever!’ he told his friend, Charlie. ‘Will you help me?’

‘Sure’ REPLIED Charlie, because he liked the idea. So they started planning the party together.

Charlie and Frank had been to lots of PARTIES so they knew what to do.

‘What we need is some good music,’ said Frank. ‘We’ve got lots of MP3s, but it would be great if we HAD a sound system to play them really loudly.’

‘That’s a good idea,’ Charlie agreed. ‘My cousin is a DJ, so I’ll ask him if we can borrow HIS equipment.’

‘I THOUGHT your cousin was a policeman ’ Frank said, confused. Charlie told him that he had nineteen cousins.

‘Oh, yes, your family is much bigger than MINE ’ said Frank. ‘Just don’t invite them all to the party!’

Задание 6 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

Have you heard of the English city of York? It’s one of the most __FAME __ cities in the UK.

The Romans started the city in 71 AD. It quickly grew to become __CENTRE __ to the Roman Empire as a military base.

In 211, Constantine I was crowned Emperor in York. This was __REAL __ unusual and special, as Emperors were almost always crowned in Rome.

The historical __IMPORTANT __ of York is also symbolised by the Minster, one of the largest churches in the world.

The city burnt down in a __DISASTER __ fire in 1137, but managed to recover to become a centre of trade and commerce by the 1500s.

Fire struck again in 1984 and the Minster was badly damaged, but __FORTUNE __ , like the city itself, the Minster recovered its former glory to stand tall once again.

Have you heard of the English city of York? It’s one of the most FAMOUS cities in the UK.

The Romans started the city in 71 AD. It quickly grew to become CENTRAL to the Roman Empire as a military base.

In 211, Constantine I was crowned Emperor in York. This was REALLY unusual and special, as Emperors were almost always crowned in Rome.

The historical IMPORTANCE of York is also symbolised by the Minster, one of the largest churches in the world.

The city burnt down in a DISASTROUS fire in 1137, but managed to recover to become a centre of trade and commerce by the 1500s.

Fire struck again in 1984 and the Minster was badly damaged, but FORTUNATELY , like the city itself, the Minster recovered its former glory to stand tall once again.

Задание 7 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

Do you remember the 2012 Olympics? The opening ceremony __DIRECT __ by award-winning film-maker Danny Boyle.

Not many people expected the ceremony to be very good, despite __HE __ excellent reputation as a director.

But, in the end, it was very successful. Almost everyone who __SEE __ it said it was fantastic.

The show __WATCH __ by more than 900 million people and lasted for four hours.

Many of the various sections of the show contained lots of __CHILD __ and young people.

The aim of the ceremony was to give the world a taste of the __GOOD __ of British culture.

The sections featured everything from the Industrial Revolution to Britain’s literary heritage. These showed what the nation had achieved so far in __IT __ history.

One part of the ceremony appeared to show the Queen parachuting into the stadium. This has helped make her __POPULAR __ than ever.

Of course, she didn’t really jump from a helicopter. Everyone __KNOW __ it was a joke.

Do you remember the 2012 Olympics? The opening ceremony WAS DIRECT by award-winning film-maker Danny Boyle.

Not many people expected the ceremony to be very good, despite HIS excellent reputation as a director.

But, in the end, it was very successful. Almost everyone who SAW it said it was fantastic.

The show WAS WATCHED by more than 900 million people and lasted for four hours.

Many of the various sections of the show contained lots of CHILDREN and young people.

The aim of the ceremony was to give the world a taste of the BEST of British culture.

The sections featured everything from the Industrial Revolution to Britain’s literary heritage. These showed what the nation had achieved so far in ITS history.

One part of the ceremony appeared to show the Queen parachuting into the stadium. This has helped make her MORE POPULAR than ever.

Of course, she didn’t really jump from a helicopter. Everyone KNEW it was a joke.

Задание 8 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

I grew up in the UK in the 1980s. During my __CHILD __ there wasn’t always a lot to do in the summer holidays.

On the rare occasions when it was a warm __SUN __ day, we’d go for a picnic on Blackpool beach.

As far as my family were concerned, there was nothing more __ENJOY __ than eating sandwiches on the beach.

We hardly ever went swimming, though, as the water was often __EXTREME __ cold. So we would just play on the wet sand.

But even if we were __LUCKY __ with the weather and it started raining, we could always go for some fish and chips.

Nothing gave us more pleasure after a __TIRE __ day at the seaside.

I grew up in the UK in the 1980s. During my CHILDHOOD there wasn’t always a lot to do in the summer holidays.

On the rare occasions when it was a warm SUNNY day, we’d go for a picnic on Blackpool beach.

As far as my family were concerned, there was nothing more ENJOYABLE than eating sandwiches on the beach.

We hardly ever went swimming, though, as the water was often EXTREMELY cold. So we would just play on the wet sand.

But even if we were UNLUCKY with the weather and it started raining, we could always go for some fish and chips.

Nothing gave us more pleasure after a TIRING day at the seaside.

Задание 9 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

Lisa was getting ready for bed. She’d iust brushed her __TOOTH __ and was deciding which book to read in bed.

As usual, she was thinking about a million other things at the same time. ‘Daddy’s got the __INTERESTING __ job in the whole world,’ she thought.

I wonder if I’ll be a teacher like Daddy when I’m __OLD __ ,’she then thought. ‘Maybe I’ll be an astronaut.’

She smiled to __SHE __ at the idea of speeding through space in a spaceship.

Then she stopped __SMILE __ . ‘But if I’m an astronaut. I’ll be away from my family, friends and cat.’

She __KNOW __ it was impossible to be an astronaut and see her family all the time.

She __MAKE __ a decision. ‘I won’t do that job, then. I want to see my cat every evening.’

At that moment, her cat Timothy __COME __ into the room. Timothy looked at her, as if to say: ‘I want to see you every day, too.’


Lisa was getting ready for bed. She’d iust brushed her TEETH and was deciding which book to read in bed.

As usual, she was thinking about a million other things at the same time. ‘Daddy’s got the MOST INTERESTING job in the whole world,’ she thought.

I wonder if I’ll be a teacher like Daddy when I’m OLDER ,’ she then thought. ‘Maybe I’ll be an astronaut.’

She smiled to HERSELF at the idea of speeding through space in a spaceship.

Then she stopped SMILING . ‘But if I’m an astronaut. I’ll be away from my family, friends and cat.’

She KNEW it was impossible to be an astronaut and see her family all the time.

She MADE a decision. ‘I won’t do that job, then. I want to see my cat every evening.’

At that moment, her cat Timothy CAME into the room. Timothy looked at her, as if to say: ‘I want to see you every day, too.’

‘Now,’ said Lisa. ‘What book do you want __ME __ to read to you before bed tonight, Timothy?’

Задание 10 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 and died in 1973. He’s an extremely well-known __PAINT __.

Although he was born in Spain, he spent most of his __AMAZE __ life in Paris.

Most of Picassos pictures are quite __USUAL __ to look at, as they contain strange shapes and very weird faces.

His pictures are very bright. __VIEW __ often say they are dramatic works of art.

Picasso had close __FRIEND __ with several other famous people from that time, including Henri Matisse and Gertrude Stein.

His talent was widely recognised during his lifetime, and when people think of the greatest artists of all time, they __GENERAL __ think of him.

Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 and died in 1973. He’s an extremely well-known PAINTER .

Although he was born in Spain, he spent most of his AMAZING life in Paris.

Most of Picassos pictures are quite UNUSUAL to look at, as they contain strange shapes and very weird faces.

His pictures are very bright. VIEWERS often say they are dramatic works of art.

Picasso had close FRIENDSHIPS with several other famous people from that time, including Henri Matisse and Gertrude Stein.

His talent was widely recognised during his lifetime, and when people think of the greatest artists of all time, they GENERALLY think of him.

Задание 11 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

Red Square is a city square in the centre of Moscow. It __CONSIDER __ by some people to be the centre of all of Russia.

Its name __NOT COME __ from the red bricks that make up the square, nor from any connection to a type of government.

Rather, the word ‘red’ in Russian can also mean ‘beautiful’. As the square has grand and beautiful buildings, __IT __ appearance is indeed lovely.

Originally, the square __DESIGN __ to be a market-place, but it has also been used for other purposes.

Official ceremonies __TAKE __ place there over the years, such as the crowning of tsars in past centuries.

Around the square, there __BE __ several important buildings, such as the Kremlin and St Basils Cathedral.

In 1990. Red Square __BECOME __ a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the Kremlin.

Red Square is also used for rock concerts __THIS __ days. Performers such as Paul McCartney, Shakira and the Red Hot Chili Peppers have played there.

McCartneys band, The Beatles, was not allowed to play in Russia. McCartnev, however, was the __TWO __ Beatle to perform in Russia, after Ringo Starr played there in 1998.

Red Square is a city square in the centre of Moscow. It IS CONSIDER by some people to be the centre of all of Russia.

Its name DOES NOT COME from the red bricks that make up the square, nor from any connection to a type of government.

Rather, the word ‘red’ in Russian can also mean ‘beautiful’. As the square has grand and beautiful buildings, ITS appearance is indeed lovely.

Originally, the square WAS DESIGNED to be a market-place, but it has also been used for other purposes.

Official ceremonies HAVE TAKEN place there over the years, such as the crowning of tsars in past centuries.

Around the square, there ARE several important buildings, such as the Kremlin and St Basils Cathedral.

In 1990. Red Square BECAME a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the Kremlin.

Red Square is also used for rock concerts THESE days. Performers such as Paul McCartney, Shakira and the Red Hot Chili Peppers have played there.

McCartneys band, The Beatles, was not allowed to play in Russia. McCartnev, however, was the SECOND Beatle to perform in Russia, after Ringo Starr played there in 1998.

Задание 12 на лексико-грамматическую трансформацию

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

Задание Ответ

When Nick returned from his holiday, he met his friend Jill for a drink. She asked him if he had had a __RELAX __ time.

Nick said he’d really enjoyed swimming and visiting all the __ATTRACT __ but that it hadn’t all been perfect.

Because of this, Jill asked him what had made him __HAPPY __ during the trip.

‘You can’t __EASY __ enjoy vourself when you’re sweating all the time,’ he said.

Jill reminded him that now he was back in London, where it was grey and __CLOUD __.

‘I know’ said Nick, ‘but __LUCKY __ I still have some sunburn from Thailand to keep me warm!’

When Nick returned from his holiday, he met his friend Jill for a drink. She asked him if he had had a RELAXING time.

Nick said he’d really enjoyed swimming and visiting all the ATTRACTIONS but that it hadn’t all been perfect.

Because of this, Jill asked him what had made him UNHAPPY during the trip.

Nick replied that he hadn’t really liked the hot weather.
‘You can’t EASILY enjoy vourself when you’re sweating all the time,’ he said.

Jill reminded him that now he was back in London, where it was grey and CLOUDY .

‘I know’ said Nick, ‘but LUCKILY I still have some sunburn from Thailand to keep me warm!’