My kind of place топик с переводом. Топик на английском языке «My native city

Key Words:
geographical position, population, climate, weather, the West, the East, the North, the South, a plain, sleet, rain, conifers, larch, mountains, area, semi-desert, island, government, to rule, to elect, to vote, an urban country, to border, symbol.

Useful Expressions:
to be proud of, to be held in, in the West/South/East/North, to be connected with, to vote for, to be founded in/by, to be signed by, to consist of, to be rich in, to belong to somebody, to be headed by, to play an important role in.

The given text is a sample text and we recommend you to use it while getting ready with your own stories on the topic.

Russia, which is also officially called the Russian Federation, stretches over the continents of Europe and Asia, from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east and from the icy Arctic Ocean to the warm shores of the Black and Caspian seas. About 25 per cent of Russia is in Europe and the rest is in Asia. Covering about a ninth of the world"s land area, Russia is the world"s largest country and it is nearly twice the size of Canada, the second largest country.
Russia includes nine time zones. At breakfast time in Moscow, it is already late afternoon in Vladivostok in the Far East.
The western part of Russia lies in the North European plain. Russia"s largest cities, Moscow and St.Petersburg, are in this region. There are more people living in this region than in any other part of Russia, and most of Russia"s industries are here as well.
The plains end at the uplands of the Ural Mountains, to the east of which is the Asian part of Russia, the region of Siberia.
Most of Russia has long, cold, snowy winters and warm or hot summers. The precipitation (rain, snow, sleet and other forms of moisture) is generally light and some parts of the southwest and northeast have a dry climate whereas the European plains in the west and the mountain regions throughout Russia have greater precipitation.
The far north is a frozen, treeless plain, which meets the Arctic Ocean. This is the Tundra. In summer, only the top few centimetres of soil thaw; below that lies the permafrost, the ground that never thaws. South of the Tundra, is the world"s largest forest, the Taiga, where there are mainly conifers, such as Siberian larches. South of the forests are grasslands, called the Steppes, and in the far south, there is semi-desert and mountains.
Most of European Russia is a flat or gently rolling countriside. The Caucasus Mountains are in the south, and Russia"s highest point, Mount Elbrus is here.
The longest river in Europe, the Volga, is in Russia. It flows through western Russia and empties into the Caspian Sea. The Volga has many tributaries and canals, which link the Arctic Ocean and the Baltic Sea. There are several large rivers in Siberia, such as the Ob, the Enisey, and the Lena.

Задачи и тесты по теме "Тема 9. "My Motherland. The Place I Was Born"."

  • My country - Vocabulary 2–4 класс

    Уроков: 8 Заданий: 19 Тестов: 2

  • Prepositions of place - Grammar 2–4 класс

    Уроков: 2 Заданий: 13 Тестов: 2

  • My family - Vocabulary 5–9 класс

My Leisure

I find it very difficult to speak about my free time. And not only because now I have practically no leisure. The thing is that I was brought up in a family where there was a motto: «It"s an early bird that catches the worm».
And speaking about spare time now, it seems like recollecting or even making up pleasurable but still fantastic stories. It"s because these «hot» days I"ve got absolutely no free time. But I can dream of it and come back to it in my memory.
Most of all I like reading. I really love it. Books of different genres give me pleasure, provided they are good. I adore reading books on history. They are very informative and make me proud of my motherland. Books about the lives of famous people suggest the idea that anyone can make his / her life honorable and worthy. Detective stories help to relax, they are so catching. And now, when I"m deeply interested in English, I try reading books in English. Recently, I"ve read a book of Oscar Wilde called «The Happy Prince and some other tales». I dream of reading his «Portrait of Dorian Gray». I was surprised to find out that his real fairy tales differ so much from their Russian versions.
In the evening I adore watching TV. It makes my life scheduled. I sometimes laugh at soap operas, but I should confess I watched «Santa Barbara» and «The Bold and the Beautiful».
On winter weekends, I enjoy going to the forest with my family. We go there to ski. And though I am not a pro in skiing, it is extremely pleasant, because nature is fascinating, air is invigorating and I have a rest from the fuss of the city. Sometimes we go to the theatre. I am fond of Opera and Ballet Theatre, it"s so beautiful inside, and the staff is wonderful. I like both opera and ballet, but operetta is not my cup of tea. Wonderful music carries me away, and every visit to the theatre is a kind of holiday for me. But I like pop music too. I often meet with my friends. Either I call on them, or they drop in. So you can see, my entertainments in my leisure time are not very sophisticated. But now I miss my free time, and hope to have some deserved rest soon.

Мой досуг

Я считаю, что говорить о своем свободном времени очень трудно. И не только потому, что у меня его практически нет. Дело в том, что я родилась в семье, где говорят: «Кто рано встает, тому Бог подает».
Когда я говорю о свободном времени сейчас, я делюсь своими воспоминаниями или даже сочиняю приятные, но фантастические истории. Все это по той причине, что в эти «жаркие» деньки у меня нет свободного времени, но я могу мечтать о нем и наслаждаться воспоминаниями.
Больше всего я люблю читать. Я особенно люблю читать вечерами. Книги разных жанров приносят мне удовольствие при условии, что они хорошие. Я обожаю читать исторические книги. Они очень информативны и побуждают меня гордиться нашей Родиной. Книги о жизни знаменитых людей пробуждают мысль, что каждый способен сделать свою жизнь благородной и достойной. Детективные истории помогают расслабиться, они такие захватывающие. И сейчас, когда я особенно интересуюсь английским, я пытаюсь читать книги на языке оригинала. Недавно я прочитала книгу Оскара Уайльда «Счастливый принц другие сказки». Я мечтаю прочесть книгу «Портрет Дориана Грея». Я была удивлена, когда обнаружила, что его настоящие истории отличаются от русских версий.
По вечерам я обожаю смотреть телевизор. Это помогает мне придерживаться расписания. Я иногда смеюсь над мыльными операми, но должна признаться, я смотрела «Санту Барбару» и «Дерзкие и красивые».
Зимой по выходным я получаю удовольствие от походов в лес с моей семьей. Мы ходим туда кататься на лыжах. Несмотря на то что я не профессионал, мне приятно кататься на лыжах, наслаждаясь великолепными пейзажами/вдыхать бодрящий воздух и отдыхать от беспокойного города. Иногда мы ходим в театр. Мне очень нравится театр оперы и балета, он прекрасен, и труппа превосходная. Я люблю как оперу, так и балет, но оперетта - это не мое. Красивая музыка увлекает меня, и каждый визит в, театр - своего рода праздник для меня. Но я люблю и популярную музыку тоже.
Я часто встречаюсь с друзьями. Как они приходят ко мне, так и я забегаю к ним.
Как вы видите, мои развлечения в свободное время незатейливы. Сейчас я скучаю о своем свободном времени, я надеюсь, что вскоре у меня будет заслуженный отдых.


1. Do you like to speak about your free time?
2. Is it pleasant to think about it?
3. Why do you like to read?
4. What kinds of book do you prefer to read?
5. Why do you like it?
6. Do you think it is interesting to be a famous person?
7. Detective stories help to relax, don"t they?
8. What kind of books have you read?
9. When were you surprised?
10. What do you do in the evening?
11. Where do you enjoy skiing?
12. Do you like operetta?
13. How do you spend your free time with your friends?


to find находить
practically практически
recollecting воспоминания
to dream мечтать
genres жанры
to be proud of гордиться
motherland родина
to suggest предлагать
original оригинал
recently недавно, на днях
enjoy получать удовольствие
invigorating бодрящий
to сапу увлекать
sophisticated сложное, затейливое

будут тебе в помощь! Удачи!

I was born in a big city and I really love it.

The city amazingly combines historical buildings and all the modern tendencies. I love the center of the city. It is called the Old Town. It has these beautiful narrow streets with paving stones, beautiful colored houses and old churches. At night the city is lightened up and looks breathtaking.

We have lots of places for the young people to visit. There are a lot of cafes and interest clubs. For example, there are several English-clubs opening every year. They provide free movie-evenings and speaking clubs. There are also lots of yoga classes and sport places to attract people to healthy life.

We also have various museums and art galleries. There are some old traditional museums like The National Art Museum and the new ones like The House of Pictures. What is more, to popularize the places there are days when you can go there for free.

I like shopping and my city provides lots of shopping centers to visit. Me and my friends can go shopping, relax in the cafe and go to the movie. And all that is in one place.

There are also two aqua parks to spend the weekend at. There are a lot of visitors especially in summer. More and more people go to the dolphinarium, where you can not only watch the performance, but also swim with these amazing animals.

So my native town has a lot to show. And there is no way I’m getting away from it.


Я родилась в большом городе, и я очень люблю его.

Город удивительно сочетает в себе исторические здания и современные тенденции. Я люблю центр города. Он называется Старый город. Там красивые узкие улочки с брусчаткой, красивыми разноцветными домами и старинными церквями. Ночью город зажигается и выглядит захватывающим.

У нас есть мест много для посещения молодежью. Есть много кафе и клубов по интересам. Например, каждый год открывается несколько клубов по английскому языку. Они устраивают бесплатные кино-вечера и разговорные клубы. Есть также много йога-классов и спортивных мест, чтобы привлечь людей к здоровому образу жизни.

У нас также есть много музеев и художественных галерей. Есть несколько старых традиционных музеев, таких как Национальный художественный музей и новые, как Дом Картин. Более того, для популяризации этих мест, устраивают дни, когда туда можно сходить бесплатно.

Мне нравится ходить по магазинам и в моем городе есть много торговых центров. Я и мои друзья можем пройтись по магазинам, отдохнуть в кафе и пойти в кино. И все это в одном месте.

Также есть два аквапарка, где можно провести выходные. Там много посетителей, особенно летом. Все больше и больше людей идут в дельфинарий, где можно не только посмотреть представление, но и поплавать с этими удивительными животными.

Так что, мой родной город может много чего показать. И никоим образом я отсюда не уеду.


Susan Orlean"s third collection of essays includes thirty pieces that were previously published, most of them in The New Yorker, between 1990 and 2003. Orlean explains that the essays she chose for the book are connected in that the sense of place in them is especially important: "When I wrote these pieces, the sense of where I was--of where the stories were unfolding--seemed to saturate every element of the experience, to inform it and shape it, and to be what made the story whole." In some cases the importance of location to an essay will be apparent to the reader, as for example Orlean"s piece on the student president of Martin Luther King Jr. High School in Manhattan ("Madame President"). But in other cases the reasons for the author"s inclusion of an essay are not apparent. Readers, at any rate, are unlikely to care whether the essays are connected to one another by a meaningful theme. Orlean divides her book into three sections: "Here" includes essays set in the United States; those set abroad--from Cuba to Hungary to Thailand--are included in "There"; and "Elsewhere" is a hodgepodge of mostly short (some as brief as two pages), mostly whimsical essays set in any number of places.

Orlean"s modus operandi is to observe her subject for a length of time--spending a week or two, say, walking the aisles of an independently owned grocery store in Jackson Heights, New York, interviewing its managers and employees, watching the parade of hair-netted housewives and pierced teenagers and hand truck-pushing delivery men who flow in and out of the store ("All Mixed Up"). And then she writes about the experience in plain prose, and through the accumulation of ostensibly mundane details--sometimes, truth be told, a few too many mundane details--she brings her chosen slice of society alive for readers. Sometimes Orlean is introducing us to unfamiliar terrain, to the resting stations that punctuate a climb up Japan"s Mt. Fuji, for example. But Orlean"s essays are no less interesting--are indeed often more interesting--when she focuses on the familiar: among my favorite essays in this collection is "We Just Up and Left," the author"s description of a trailer park in Portland, Oregon, the sort of place one can drive by for years without noticing.

Other noteworthy pieces in My Kind of Place are "Royalty," detailing the author"s investigation into the curious abundance of royally-named papaya stores in Manhattan (Papaya King, Papaya Prince, Papaya Kingdom); "Art for Everybody," a look inside a Thomas Kinkade (the Painter of Light!) Signature Gallery; and "The Congo Sound," an essay about an African music store in Paris, France.

Fans of Orlean"s will find more morsels to savor here. Readers who have not read Orlean previously can start here or might, better yet, read the work for which she is best known: her book The Orchid Thief is itself very much about a place--Florida--as well as the orchidophiles who populate it. Just don"t expect the book to resemble its fanciful film adaptation, Adaptation, wherein Orlean, played by Meryl Streep, is depicted as a drug-addicted murderess.

Reviewed by Debra Hamel, author of Trying Neaira: The True Story of a Courtesan"s Scandalous Life in Ancient Greece