Моя будущая профессия тема на английском. Моя будущая профессия врач (My Future Profession Doctor) топик по английскому языку с переводом. План рассказа о профессии - что должно быть

Next year my class will graduate from a high school. So the question what I would like to become is on all students" minds. Every job has its own difficulties and interesting moments. No doubt, all professions are very important in life. But it is not an easy thing to choose the right one, the most suitable one, because we must take into consideration too many factors. We shouldn’t forget about our kind of mind and personal taste and, for sure, the requirements of the society and people’s needs.

For me the end of the school is a very serious step in my life, the beginning of an independent life, and the time of more difficult exams. I do want to choose the right road in my life which will help me to be the best in my work and life.

Everybody, each girl and boy, has the opportunity to use the education they received at school in their future studying. Some of them will prefer to work in plants or factories, some of them will take part in building new towns or constructions, others will take care of people or work at school. Men often choose men’s professions such as a police officer, a fireman, an engineer and others. More feminine professions are a nurse, a teacher, an accountant etc.

What about me, I hope I have already made my choice. I would like to become a midwife. My mom is a qualified midwife and a highly experienced nurse. She told me a lot about her work. Even at the age of 10 I decided to follow my mom"s footsteps.


В следующем году мой класс выпускается из школы. Так что вопрос, кем я хотел бы стать, в голове у каждого ученика. Каждая работа имеет свои трудности и по-своему интересна. Бесспорно, все профессии очень важны в жизни. Но это нелегко правильно выбрать одну, наиболее подходящую, потому что нужно учитывать слишком много факторов. Мы должны не забывать о нашем складе ума и личных пристрастиях и, конечно, требованиях общества и потребностях людей.

Для меня окончание школы — это очень серьезный шаг в жизни, начало самостоятельной жизни, и время более сложных экзаменов. Я хочу выбрать правильный путь в жизни, который поможет мне быть лучшей в своей работе и в жизни.

Все, каждая девушка и каждый юноша, имеют возможность использовать образование, которое они получили в школе, в дальнейшей учебе. Некоторые из них предпочтут работать на заводах или фабриках, некоторые из них примут участие в строительстве новых городов или сооружениях, другие будут заботиться о людях или работать в школе. Мужчины часто выбирают мужские профессии, такие как полицейский, пожарный, инженер и другие. Более женские профессии — медсестра, учитель, бухгалтер и т. д.

Что касается меня, я надеюсь, что я уже сделала свой выбор. Я хочу стать акушеркой. Моя мама является квалифицированной акушеркой и опытной медсестрой. Она много рассказывала мне о своей работе. Уже в 10-летнем возрасте я решила пойти по стопам моей мамы.

Полезные фразы:

To graduate from - закончить школу, выпуститься

to take into consideration — учитывать

the requirements of our society - требования нашего общества

the opportunity — возможность

plants — заводы

factories — фабрики

constructions — сооружения

a police officer — полицейский

a fireman — пожарный

a nurse — медсестра

an accountant — бухгалтер

a midwife — акушерка

to follow somebody"s footsteps - следовать по чьим-то стопам.

Топик по английскому языку с переводом на тему Моя будущая профессия врач (My Future Profession Doctor) расскажет об одной из самых важных профессий. Топик можно использовать при рассказе о своей будущей профессии или если у вас есть врач в семье, английский топик на тему профессия врач поможет рассказать о работе вашего родственника.

В школе мы часто обсуждаем с друзьями, кем хотим стать, очень часто ученики мечтают о такой благородной и нужной профессии. Английский топик профессия врач будет полезен для таких обсуждений.


My Future Profession Doctor

There are many interesting professions, doctor is one of them. It is a necessary and noble profession, that is why I want to be a doctor.

To become a doctor I need to read a lot of specialized literature and to study hard, especially in biology and chemistry. This profession requires great responsibility because doctors deal with the most precious things people have - their lives and their health.

Doctors not only operate people and prescribe medicine, but they must also listen to their parents, check them up and sometimes make quick and important decisions. A doctor has to be a kind and attentive person, because if patients trust their doctor it is easier to work.

Sometimes working day continues even after a doctor comes home from the hospital. Relatives, friends or neighbors often ask for medical advice, for example how to lower the kid`s temperature.

There are different types of doctors: cardiologists, gastroenterologists, pediatricians, traumatologists and many others.

My father is a surgeon, he works in a hospital. Sometimes I visit him at the hospital and watch him working. My father tells me a lot of stories about doctors and their profession. He is a much-respected man and I am happy that I have such a good example in my family, I will do my best to become a good doctor just like my father.


Моя будущая профессия врач

Существует много интересных профессий и врач- одна из них. Эта нужная и благородная профессия, поэтому я хочу стать доктором.

Для того, чтобы стать врачом, я должен читать много специальной литературы и усердно учиться, особенно по химии и биологии. Эта профессия требует огромной ответственности потому что врачи имеют дело с самым дорогим, что есть у людей - их жизнью и здоровьем.

Врачи не только оперируют и прописывают лекарства, они еще должны слушать пациентов, осматривать и иногда принимать быстрые и важные решения. Доктор должен быть добрым и внимательным человеком, потому что если пациенты доверяют доктору, то работать намного легче.

Иногда рабочий день продолжается даже когда доктор приходит домой из больницы. Родственники, друзья или соседи часто просят медицинского совета, например, как сбить температуру у ребенка.

Есть разные виды врачей: кардиологи, гастроэнтерологи, педиатры, травматологи и многие другие.

Мой отец хирург, он работает в больнице. Иногда я навещаю его в больнице и смотрю, как он работает. Папа рассказывает много историй о врачах и их профессии. Он очень уважаемый человек, и я счастлив, что в моей семье есть такой хороший пример.
Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы стать таким же хорошим доктором, как мой отец.

In early childhood children tell their parents whom they would like to be when they grow up. In school students begin thinking of their future profession. There are lots of professions in the world, and all of them are interesting and exciting. So it"s very hard to discover your vocation in life.

The choice of profession depends on your abilities. If you are good at humanities you should choose something in this field. And if you are good at natural sciences you should choose something closely connected with them. I would like to become a chemist because I like chemistry. I think that it is a very interesting subject, but I am not so good at it so I think that I am not suitable for this profession. Inspite of all I possess some qualities which are needed in this field.

I think that my future profession will be closely connected with computers. I am capable to work with them, and I also possess the qualities needed in this work. They are accuracy, energy, carefulness. But I hesitate if I have enough patience. I must develop it if I want to become a computer operator. I know that it would be better to choose a profession of an interpreter or any other occupation connected with Russian and literature because I am good at these subjects but when I began to study the computer skills that was what I have been looking for. In our modern world it"s hard to do without computers. They are needed everywhere, and I hope that my interests in this subject will never change inspite of any circumstances.

Моя будущая профессия

В раннем детстве дети рассказывают своим родителям кем они хотят стать когда вырастут. В школе ученики начинают думать о своей будущей профессии. Есть много профессий в мире, и все они являются интересным и захватывающим. Так что это очень трудно найти свое призвание в жизни.

Выбор профессии зависит от ваших способностей. Если вы хорошо знаете гуманитарные науки, вы должны выбрать что-то в этой области. И если вы разбираетесь в естественных науках, вы должны выбрать то, тесно связанные с ними. Я хотел стать химиком, потому что я люблю химию. Я думаю, что это очень интересный предмет, но я не настолько хорош в этом, поэтому я думаю, что я не подхожу для этой профессии. Несмотря на все у меня есть некоторые качества, которые необходимы в этой области.

Я думаю, что моя будущая профессия будет тесно связана с компьютерами. Я способен работать с ними, и я также обладают качествами, необходимыми в работе. Это точность, энергичность, аккуратность. Но я сомневаюсь, хватит ли у меня терпения. Я должен развиваться, если я хочу стать компьютерным оператором. Я знаю, что было бы лучше выбрать профессию переводчика или любое другое занятие связанное с русским языком и литературой, потому что я владею этими предметам, но когда я начал получать навыки работы с компьютером, это оказалось тем, что я искал. В нашем современном мире трудно обойтись без компьютеров. Они нужны везде, и я надеюсь, что мои интересы в этой теме никогда не изменится несмотря на любые обстоятельства.

The end of school is the start of our independent life and the beginning of the most serious examination we have passed. In order to do well at this examination it is necessary to choose the right road in life which will help us best to live and work for own good and for the benefit of our country.

Many broad ways will open before the pupils when they leave a secondary school. Everybody will have a chance to develop and use knowledge and education received during the school years.

There are a lot of different trades and professions, and each one must choose the occupation in which he or she can best develop one’s own talent and abilities. Our society needs well-educated people. Nowadays the profession of an economist has become one the most useful, modern and interesting. That is because our country is moving towards market economy and different forms of property are being established. There is a place for an economist at every plant and factory. An economist exercises different functions. He or she can determine the structure of an enterprise and calculate costs as well as probable profits. An economist analyses the condition of the market and prospects for its development in the future. His or her practical use of electronic computers is a must. The activities of an economist at an enterprise range from bookkeeper control the financial state of an enterprise and perform a lot of useful calculations. A manager is an actual administrator. Having a good command of the economic situation in the region and the demands of the market a person with an economist’s diploma may establish his own business, or he may become a partner of a joint venture. It is very important for an economist to know a foreign language, especially English.

That is because contracts between our country and many countries of the world are becoming wider with every coming day. Every economist has a chance to go abroad or to deal with foreign businessmen coming to our country. But to become a good economist one must work hard and get not only theoretical knowledge but also great practical skills

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can’t decide even after leaving school. As for me I have made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher or the Russian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn’t come as sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favourite subject. I have read a lot of books by Russian and foreign writers. I understand that reading books helps people in self-education and in solving different life problems. My parents are also teachers and I know that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils’ intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people.

It’s a great responsibility. It’s not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I’ll get at the Institute would be quite enough to succeed in my work. I’m applying to the philological Department and I am sure my dream will come true sooner or later.

It is difficult to choose a profession

Two occupations attract me a lot. I like to talk with small children and explain things to them and I like to write computer programs. I often think which one is most favourable and can not decide which profession to choose. I was born in a family of a teacher. When I was a little girl I went to school with my mother attending her lessons. I watched her and I wanted my mother to be a favourite and most respected teacher and the older friend for the pupils. Once our English teacher caught a cold. I was in the 9th form then and was fond of English. The head teacher asked me to give an English lesson in the 5th form. I entered the classroom and was terrified at first with all those pupils’ eyes stared at me. But I tried to get concentrated and said «Good morning» in a quite and friendly voice. Then it was all right. I wanted the pupils to like English just like I do. We read, wrote, sang songs, asked and answered questions. Since then I gave English lessons for several times when the teacher was absent and it was an exciting experience. So, I know the job well and I was quite certain which profession should I choose until daddy bought a personal computer. Since then everything has changed much.

First it was impossible for me to understand how it works. Now I am an amateur programmer and my father says that I am certainly have an ability for programming. I still have a year ahead to decide, but now I am not quite sure…

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadays.

My future speciality is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood.

To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favourite subject. I’ll try not only to help them to master it. I’ll try to help them to become good and clever people, to be honest, kind and noble.

Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, the profession of a teacher is not an easy one. It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope, that I’ll be a good teacher and that my pupils will like me and my subject.

I have a dream to be a doctor

There are many interesting and noble professions.

I want to become a doctor. I like this profession and I am eager to get a medical education and work at a hospital. It is a good tradition in our family. My mother is a doctor, my grandfather is a doctor and I want to be a doctor, too. When I was a little boy my grandfather worked at a hospital and I spent some time at the hospital with him. He is a surgeon and works in a surgical department. Day by day he takes care of his hospital patients, he treats them well. He is very attentive. Every day he comes into wards asking patients, «What do you complain of?» He wants all people to be able-bodied and he tries to treat his in-patients in a proper way. To operate on persons is his main task. He is a kind and skilled surgeon. Every day he comes into an operating-room and operates on his in-patients. After each operation he takes care of his in-patients. Day by day he helps them to recover and he is glad when he can say, «My in-patient is quite recovered.» Sometimes he advises his in-patients to go to sanatoriums after leaving the hospital.

He instructs them in detail what they can do and eat after their operations. My grandfather tells me a lot of true stories about doctors, their profession, their aid for people. I respect my grandfather. I like his profession and I have a dream to be a doctor too.

Studies and my plans for the future
Let me introduce myself. My name is … I am leaving school this year. My dream is to become a student of the Foreign Languages Department in the State University.
I want to study English, German and may be French. Knowledge of a foreign language opens a new world for us. If you know a foreign language you can speak with foreigners and it is a way for better understanding. If you know a foreign language you can read books in the original and in way you can better understand other people’s nature and culture. But for knowing English one should learn every day. So I read the texts, translate them, try to find key-words and retell them later. It is a very difficult work but I try to do my best. I learn new words by heart, work at grammar doing innumerable exercises and listen to foreign speech, trying to answer the questions. When I am a student I’ll do my best to master the foreign language I’ve chosen. After leaving the University I hope to become an interpreter and work at the foreign firm.

My Plans for the Future
This year I’m leaving school. I have already decided what career to choose. I would like to be a psychologist. I want to help people to solve their problems. I want to help them to understand their inside world, to help them to be confident. I love working with people and children.
I think it’s a difficult job, because one should love people, take care of them, support them.
This profession is rather new and hence very interesting. Psychologists work with people from different layers of society.
I realize that my dream can come true only if I work hard.

1. Have you decided what you are to do after school?
2. Why did you choose psychology?
3. Is the profession of a psychologist a new one?
4. Whom are psychologists supposed to work with?
5. If you fail to get the job you want the most, what will you do?

Мои планы на будущее
В этом году я заканчиваю школу. Я уже решила, какую карьеру выбрать. Я бы хотела быть психологом. Я хочу помогать людям решать их проблемы. Я хочу помочь людям понять их внутренний мир, помочь им стать увереннее. Я люблю работать с людьми и с детьми.
Я думаю, что эта профессия трудна, потому что нужно любить людей, заботиться о них, помогать им.
Эта профессия достаточно новая и потому очень интересная. Психологи работают с людьми из разных слоев общества.
Я осознаю, что моя мечта может осуществиться, только если я буду усердно работать.

My future profession

A child usually dreams to be a doctor, a teacher, a firefighter or even an astronaut in the future. These professions are very important, so it is wonderful when child’s dream comes true and he or she becomes an expert in the particular field, for example, in medicine.

I think that everyone should work. It may be easy or difficult work, well-paid or low-paid. However, what is even more important is that the work must bring the joy. Of course, the salary is important nowadays but if you are not happy with your job, the salary will mean almost nothing. In this case you should find something else, something that will make you smile. This work even may become just a little addition to the main job.

My dream is to become an interpreter in the future. Why have I chosen this particular profession? The answer is quite simple. I like studying foreign languages and cultures. When I study a new foreign language, a new world seems to be opened to me. I can find something unusual, unique, fascinating or even strange there but it is the wonderful experience.

The profession of an interpreter gives you an opportunity to meet new people from different countries or social groups. It teaches you to make decisions right here and right now. It is the experience that you cannot get even being a translator, for example. This is the main reason why I want to be an interpreter.

I will do my best to become an interpreter in the future because this is the work that can make me happy.


Моя будущая профессия

Ребенок обычно мечтает стать в будущем врачом, учителем, пожарным или даже космонавтом. Эти профессии очень важны, поэтому замечательно, когда мечта ребенка сбывается и он или она становится специалистом в определенной сфере деятельности, например, в медицине.

Я думаю, что каждый человек должен работать. Это может быть легкая или сложная работа, хорошо оплачиваемая или низкооплачиваемая. Однако, что еще важнее: работа должна приносить радость. Конечно, зарплата играет значимую роль в наши дни, но если вы не довольны своей работой, зарплата будет значить для вас уже не так много. В этом случае вы должны найти что-то другое, то, что заставит вас улыбнуться. Эта работа даже может стать всего лишь небольшим дополнением к вашей основной профессии.

Моя мечта – это стать в будущем устным переводчиком. Почему я выбрала именно эту профессию? Ответ довольно прост. Я люблю изучать иностранные языки и культуры. Когда я изучаю новый иностранный язык, для меня словно открывается новый мир, в котором я могу найти что-то необычное, уникальное, увлекательное или даже странное, но это замечательный опыт.