Олимпиада по английскому языку 9 11. Общий балл _________. по английскому языку

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников

I (школьный) этап

Английский язык

9-11 классы

Общее время выполнения работы – 120 минут

Максимальное количество баллов – 80

В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса входят:

2. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса

3. Текст задания

4. Ключи

5. Лист ответа (для каждого участника)


Понимание устного текста (Listening)

На выполнение заданий отводится 20 минут , в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы. Два задания. Задания предъявляется дважды.

Критерии оценивания : За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 14.

Понимание письменного текста (Reading)

Задание по чтению направлено на понимание текста. Два задания. От ученика требуется прочитать и понять текст, затем, прочитав высказывания под текстом, сделать альтернативный выбор (правильно/неправильно). Во втором задании требуется вставить пропуски в предложение. На выполнение задания отводится 30 минут , в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы. Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам.

Критерии оценивания : За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл .

Лексико-грамматический тест (Use of English)

Всего в данном блоке 33 вопроса.

Учащиеся должны продемонстрировать соответствующий уровень владения лексическим материалом и умение оперировать им в условиях множественного выбора

Имеется два задания.

Первое задание - это текст, содержащий пропуски. Учащемуся требуется проявить знания грамматики и лексики и преобразовать, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 13.

Второе задание представляет собой тест на знание лексики. Учащемуся необходимо выбрать слово, наиболее подходящее в употреблении в данном предложении. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл .

В третьем задании учащимся необходимо соединить две части 10 идиом . За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 10.

Письменная речь (Writing)

Задание представляет собой небольшую письменную работу (письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения). Рекомендуемое количество слов – 150. При проверке данного задания стоит обратить внимание на то, что работа проверяется и оценивается даже, если количество слов будет недостаточным или, наоборот, будет превышать норму. В этом случае по критерию «Содержание» будет ниже количество баллов.

Максимальное количество баллов – 20. Рекомендуемое время для выполнения задания – 30 минут.

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам.

Процедура проведения конкурса

Общие правила

  • Участники должны сидеть в аудитории на таком расстоянии друг от друга, чтобы не видеть работу соседа.
  • Участник может взять с собой в аудиторию ручку, очки, шоколад, воду.
  • В аудиторию не разрешается брать бумагу, справочные материалы (словари, справочники, учебники и т.д.), пейджеры и мобильные телефоны, диктофоны, плейеры и любые другие технические средства.
  • Во время выполнения задания участник может выходить из аудитории только в сопровождении дежурного.
  • Участник не может выйти из аудитории с заданием или листом ответов.

Процедура проведения

Каждому участнику перед началом выполнения заданий выдается лист ответов (Answer Sheet ) и двойной Титульный лист и проводится инструктаж на русском языке по процедуре проведения Олимпиады, заполнению листов ответов и по порядку их сдачи после окончания работы :

  • Участники заполняют Тит ульный лист с указанием названия работы, номера школы, класса, ФИО.
  • По окончании работы заполненный Лист ответов вкладывается в Титульный лист и отправляется в пункт шифровки.
  • Исправления на листах ответов ошибками не считаются; однако почерк должен быть понятным; спорные случаи (о или а) трактуются не в пользу участника.
  • Задания выполняются только черными или синими чернилами/ пастой (запрещены красные, зеленые чернила, карандаш).

Перед прослушиванием отрывка член жюри включает запись и дает возможность участникам прослушать самое начало записи. Затем запись выключается, и член жюри обращается к аудитории с вопросом, хорошо ли всем слышно. Если в аудитории кто-то из участников плохо слышит запись, регулируется громкость звучания, и устраняются все технические неполадки, влияющие на качество звучания. Затем запись включается с самого начала, не останавливается и прослушивается до самого конца.

Участники могут ознакомиться с вопросами до прослушивания.

Процедура аудирования записана на диск. ПОСЛЕ ПЕРВОГО ПРОСЛУШИВАНИЯ ЧЛЕН ЖЮРИ ВКЛЮЧАЕТ ЗАПИСЬ ПОВТОРНО. Запись задания на диске предъявляется 2 раза подряд (допускается техническая пауза в 10-15 секунд).

Во время аудирования участники не могут задавать вопросы членам жюри или выходить из аудитории, так как шум может нарушить процедуру проведения конкурса.

Время проведения конкурса ограничено временем, необходимым для прослушивания представленных заданий. Каждое из заданий предъявляется дважды.

Участникам раздаются тексты заданий и бумага для черновиков. В тексте заданий даны все инструкции по выполнению заданий. Участники получают чистую бумагу для черновиков, черновик сдается вместе с листом ответов. Однако проверке подлежат только листы ответов. Черновики не проверяются.

Член жюри в аудитории должен зафиксировать время начала и окончания задания на доске.

За 15 и за 5 минут до окончания работы член жюри в аудитории должен напомнить об оставшемся времени и предупредить о необходимости тщательной проверки работы.

После окончания времени выполнения заданий, листы ответов собираются.

Сразу после написания олимпиады, работы участников передают руководителю ШМО. Проверка работ осуществляется под руководством опытного руководителя дающего указания и инструкции группе проверяющих преподавателей. Критерии оценивания в виде таблицы выдаются на руки каждому проверяющему.

Критерии оценивания

III место

От 50% до 69%

II место

От 70% до 90%

I место

От 91% до 100%



9-11 КЛАСС


(14 баллов) - 20 минут

Task 1

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1-7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2- False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3-Not Stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами ответа в лист ответов. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Mike’s brother doesn’t live in Mike’s house.

Mike is used to eating homemade spaghetti sauce

Tracy prefers spaghetti sauce from a jar to homemade sauce

Tracy has learnt some basic cooking tips.

Mike’s mum wishes he’d gone to cookery school like his brother.

Mike found preparing the chicken dinner easy to do.

Mike made a mess of the dinner he made with his brother.

Paul helps actors to…

  1. sound more educated
  2. perfect regional or historical accents
  3. learn different languages

Paul usually meets actors for the first time…

  1. at his home
  2. during filming
  3. before filming

What does Paul say about American opera singers?

  1. They learn how to sing in a foreign opera quickly.
  2. It can be a challenge to help them sing in foreign operas.
  3. The often sing foreign operas better than the natives do.

If an actor can’t do an accent well, Paul says the problem is caused by…

  1. himself
  2. the production company
  3. the actor

What happens when the actor is only 99%, correct with an accent?

  1. His or her efforts are still praised
  2. Audiences are disappointed.
  3. No one can notice the imperfection

Paul helps language learners…

  1. through lessons on his website.
  2. in one-two- one sessions
  3. in the school where he teaches

How do foreigners sometimes make mistakes with the “t” in English

  1. They produce the sound wrongly
  2. They miss it out altogether
  3. They put it in the wrong places.



(13 баллов) - 30 минут

Task 2

Match headings A-H to texts 1-7 choose the best heading A-H. There is one heading you will not need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.





  1. In Britain? Most families are “nuclear families”. This means that the family consists of the parents and children. Of course, there are uncles and aunts and grandparents, too, but they do not have much to do with raising the children and often live a long way away. In many other countries, the “extended family” is more common. With the extended family, uncles, aunts and grandparents live closer to the parents and children – sometimes even in the same building – and everyone in the family has a much closer relationship.
  2. Most teenagers say at some point; “When I’m a parent, I’m going to give my children much more freedom than I have now.” When they do actually become parents however, they soon realize that giving a child or teenager lots of freedom is not always the best thing to do. Many parents end up hearing their children saying to them exactly the same things they said to their parents when they were young.
  3. What does bringing up a child involve? Giving a child love and making a child feel safe in their environment are extremely important. So is providing food and warmth. Parents also have a duty to teach their children the differences between right and wrong, and to make sure their children get a good education. Some parents believe that their role is also to teach children about the importance of things such as family, religion and society.
  4. The English phrases “a chip off the old block” and “like father, like son” (or “like mother, like daughter”) are used to show the similarities between a parent and their child. These might be similarities in terms of appearance, behavior or interests. For example, if a dad loves watching cricket and his son Eric becomes interested in cricket, too, you might say. “Eric’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?”
  5. “Latchkey kids” are a major problem in many countries, including Britain and the USA, These are children whose parents are still at work when they come home from school, so there is no one at home to look after them. Their parents aren’t there to help with their homework, and some of them spend hours on their own before their parents’ return.
  6. The idea of “quality time” is based on an understanding that the amount of time a parent spends with their child is not the only important thing. What is also important is what they do together during that time. Ten minutes of discussing problems that a teenager is facing may be much more valuable than two hours of watching a movie together in silence.
  7. Families work well when things are going well, but the real test of a family comes at times of stress. Perhaps Mum has been working too hard, or perhaps young Amy is taking exams at school. These are times when all the families can find themselves fighting instead of helping each other. When a family is going through a crisis like this, it can often help to talk to someone outside the family. It could either be an expert, such as a family counselor, or a trusted family friend

Task 2

Read the text and complete gaps 8-13 with sentences A-G. There is one extra sentence that you don’t need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

What time is it? To answer that question today, all we have to do is look at a watch or clock. It wasn’t always that simple, however. For thousand of years, people have wanted an accurate way of telling the time, (8)____________________________.

We know that the ancient Egyptians had sundials, (9)______________________. It is thought they also had a way of measuring time using running water. The ancient Chinese also developed non-mechanical ways to measure the passing time.

The first mechanical clock appeared around the 9 th century. This did not have hands as modern clocks do, (10)_______________________.

The first reasonably accurate clocks were developed in Italy in the 13 th century.

Unlike modern clocks, they did not tell the time to the nearest minute; rather, they announced when an hour had passed. Table clocks became popular in the 1500s. They usually only had one hand, which had four possible positions each hour, (11) _________________________.

In 1657 the pendulum clock was invented. Although Galileo came up with a similar idea first, it is Christian Huygens (12)_________________________. Since then, сlocks have become more and more dependable. Today, each of us carries a mobile phone or wears a watch (13)___________________.

  1. but rang a bell to tell the time
  2. who is generally considered to be an inventor
  3. allowing you to tell the time to the nearest fifteen minutes
  4. which requires sunlight to work
  5. where the first clocks were developed
  6. apart from looking at the position of the sun
  7. which can be relied on to be accurate



(33 балла) - 40 минут

Task 1

For questions 1-7 , read the text and write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

Animal Helpers

Animals can be pets, but they can also be much more. Ever since dogs first

(1)_____________ humans on the hunt, animals have worked with people. JOIN

Dogs, of course, work with people in different ways, such as

(2)___________ sheep on farms. CONTROL

They (3)____________ to help blind people find their way around. TRAIN

There are (4)__________ of other animals that help people, including horses, LOT

camels and elephants. In the past, horses were an important means of transport

in Europe and (5)____________ both people and goods. CARRY

Cars soon replaced horses for most jobs because they could go faster

and (6) ______________. FAR

In Asia today, as in the past, elephants (7)___________ to transport USE

heavy loads in areas where cars cannot go.

Complete gaps 8-13 with words formed from the words in CAPITAL letters . Write the answers on your answer sheet.

The discovery of the island of Mauritius in 1505 was the beginning

of the end for the dodo. The dodo was a large bird which was

(8)______________ of flying and so spent its entire life on the ground. CAPABLE

When people first spotted the bird in 1598, it seemed to have no fear

of humans and was quite (9)____________. FRIEND

This was because it had always lived on an island where it had no

(10)__________________ enemies. NATURE

The people on the island didn’t find the dodo (11) ____________ to eat, TASTE

but the cats and the dogs that arrived with the people did. The dodo was

completely (12)___________ and by the 1690s it had died out on the island. HELP

The story of the dodo’s (13 )________________ is just one example APPEAR

of man’s effect on the environment.

Task 2

For questions 14-23, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

On the other hand?

We left-handed people lack collective pride. We just try to get by, in our clumsy way. We make (14) ______ demands and we avoid a fuss. I used to say whenever someone watched me sign my name and remarked that he or she was also left-handed: “You and me and Leonardo da Vinci!” That was a weak joke, (15) ________ it contained my often unconscious desire to belong to Left Pride , a social movement that (16) _____ far doesn’t exist but I hope may one day come. There are many false stories about the left-handed (17) ______ circulation: for example, a few decades ago someone wrote that Picasso was left-handed, and others kept repeating it, but the proof is all (18) ______ the contrary. The great genius Einstein is often still claimed as one of ours, also (19) ____ proof. And sadly there is also no truth in the myth that the left-handed tend to be smarter and more creative.

(20) _____ the amount of research that has been carried out, researchers in the field still find it hard to decide precisely what we mean by left-handed. Apparently a third of those who write with their left hand throw a ball with their right. (21) ____, those using their right hand for writing rarely throw with their left. A difficult skill that becomes crucial at a most impressionable age, writing defines (22) _____ you will call yourself. I have never used scissors, baseball bat, hockey stick or computer mouse with anything but my right; (23) _____ so, I think I’m left-handed as does everyone else.


























Task 3

For questions 24-33 match two parts of 10 idioms. There is one extra part in the second column.

To be as alike as

chalk and cheese

To be as different as


To be the apple of

the family

To be the black sheep of

the mice will play

To be tied to

thicker than water

To be your mother"s

two peas in a pod

Blood is

two sisters

Follow in

your father"s eye

Twist someone round

your father"s footsteps

While the cat"s away

your little finger

your mother"s apron strings



How do you understand the following utterance by D. Kennedy: «Don’t ask what your country did for you, but ask what you did for your country».

Write the composition (150 words).

(20 баллов) - 30 минут


Бланк ответов


14 баллов

Task 1

Task 2


13 баллов




23 баллов

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

The narrator says that:

1) a square in Brancusi’s sculpture is made of oak.

2) Brancusi likes to demonstrate contrasting objects.

3) it’s difficult to guess the name of the sculpture.

4) Brancusi’s bird is crying.

5) the bird opens its mouth to sing.

6) many Mondrian’s paintings are very confusing.

7) Mondrian’s painting is like a closed window.

8) there is a wide variety of bright colours in this painting.

9) Mondrian signed the painting with his initials.

10) Mondrian also wrote some music.

Part 2 (30 minutes)

Maximum points - 10

Read the passage below.

The Green House Effect

(A) Saving the world begins at home. The energy we use to power our daily domestic lives and drive our cars produces almost half of our output of carbon dioxide, the gas which is the main contributor to the problem of global warming. The way in which we use energy is not only polluting but also incredibly wasteful. But there is nothing to stop us greatly reducing our energy consumption and creating a more comfortable world.

(B) Redesigning the home to bring our lifestyles more into balance with what the environment can cope with need not involve expensive or painful changes. Most of the technology to make the changes is already available. When the changes have been made, the home of the future will be a better place to live in. So what will it be like?

(C) We will have switched from ‘fossil fuels’ - coal, gas and oil - to sources of power which are non-polluting such as windmills or using the power of tides. Houses will be heavily insulated and heating systems made much more efficient. In addition, our future homes will use low-energy light bulbs.

(D) With water costs rising enormously, most houses will trap rainwater and store it in a large, well-insulated tank in the cellar. This tank also serves to save energy: heat is recycled from other parts of the house to maintain a high water temperature for washing and central heating.

(E) Recycling waste will be much more common than it is today. Tins, bottles, plastic, and paper will be put into vents in the wall from where they will fall into divided bins for collection. All vegetable matter will go straight on to a compost heap in the garden.

(F) The home will be a cleaner place. Air conditioning will do much more than keep you cool. It will improve air quality by filtering out contaminating dust mites and by controlling moisture and condensation.

(G) Outside the home as well, life will have become more pleasant. The car will no longer be the threat to our health that it is today: it will run on hydrogen or a mixture of battery and safer petrol. It won’t be allowed to clog up our cities: people will use the tram, a clean, fast, and quiet form of city transport which many cities are already reintroducing.

(H) This picture of the future is one which should appeal to all of us. It’s one that our grandchildren could take for granted, not believing that people lived any other way, that people went around polluting, destroying, wasting resources, and apparently not caring. But if we want our grandchildren to have a world which is cleaner and safer, we have to start to change our ways. The picture of the future can become a reality but only if we do something about it. And we should do something about it soon.

Below you will find four headings. Each heading describes the contents of one of the paragraphs in the passage. However, since there are eight paragraphs and only four headings, four of the paragraphs will not fit any of the headings below.

You need to choose which heading best describes which paragraph. Write the letter of a paragraph next to the number of the heading 11 -14 on the separate answer sheet.

11. Homes of the future will be more hygienic.

12. We ought to change the way we live.

13. The way we live now damages the world.

14. Future energy needs will be lower and not cause pollution.

Choose option A , В, C or D which best answers the question. Circle the correct letter in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

15. The author’s intention in writing the above article was to show...

A. the sort of future we can expect for our grandchildren.

B. why we should reduce pollution and use energy more efficiently.

C. why we have taken steps to reduce pollution and improve our use of energy.

D. how changes in house design will encourage people to use less polluting energy.

16. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?

A. In the future, houses will be much healthier.

B. In the future, people will produce much less waste.

C. In the future, very few people will own their own car.

D. In the future, the problem of global warming will be better understood.

17. In the passage the author explains...

A. why using less energy has become more popular.

B. why sources of energy are going to become more scarce.

C. how savings could be made in the way energy is used.

D. how, unless we use less energy, energy costs will rise.

18. In the passage the author DOES NOT explain...

A. how our cities could be made cleaner.

B. why our use of energy needs to change.

C. why water costs will rise in the future.

D. how the way we live produces global warming.

19. According to the author, one of the differences between our way of life and that of people in the future might be that...

A. cars will be much cheaper to maintain.

B. fewer people will travel in the cities.

C. cars will have far more safety features.

D. cars will be used less than they are today.

20. The passage describes the homes of the future. Such homes, according to the author, might NOT be built if we...

A. could not afford the necessary technology.

B. could not find alternative sources of energy.

C. were unable to reduce the amount of waste we produce.

D. failed to agree to make necessary changes in our lives.

Part 3 (15 minutes)

Maximum points - 20

Use of English

Fill in the gaps in the text choosing an appropriate word from the column on the right. Choose one word once only. There are two extra words in the right column which you don’t have to choose. Write the letter which marks the word next to the number of the gap on the answer sheet.

An 11-year-old piano prodigy from Indonesia will appear at the prestigious Newport Jazz Festival after taking the American jazz (21) __________ by storm. Joey Alexander, who releases his debut album My Favorite Things this week, has attracted high (22) __________ from trumpeter and director of Jazz at Lincoln Centre Wynton Marsalis, who has said: "There has never been anyone that you can think of who could play like that (23) __________ his age. I loved everything about his playing his rhythm, his confidence, his understanding of the music." Marsalis said he found out about Bali-born Alexander after a friend suggested he watched a YouTube clip of the then 10-year-old (24) __________ tunes by John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk and Chick Corea. Now, to (25) __________ his debut album, Alexander is set to play at the Montreal and Newport jazz festivals. Newport producer George Wein says he"s always been reluctant to (26) __________ so-called child prodigies, but he made an exception after Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, tennis legend Arthur Ashe"s widow, brought Alexander over to his Manhattan apartment to (27) __________ for him. "The thing that differs him from most young players is the maturity of his harmonic approach," Wein told AP reporter Charles J Gans. "His playing is very contemporary but he also has a (28) __________ of the history of the music." Alexander"s parents were jazz fans and he himself admires the playing (29) __________ Horace Silver, McCoy Tyner, Bill Evans and Brad Mehldau. He also loves the Avengers and SpongeBob Squarepants. "For me jazz is a calling. I love jazz because it"s about freedom to express yourself and being spontaneous, full of rhythm and full of improvisation," said the young pianist. "Technique is important, but for me first when I play it"s from the (30) __________ and feeling the groove. I want to develop by practicing and playing, and challenging myself to get better every day," said Alexander. A) at
B) book
C) for
D) heart
E) of
F) performing
G) play
H) praise
I) promote
J) pushing
For items 31-40, Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
When you have made the (0) ... to begin exercising, DECIDE
you need more than just enthusiasm - you need to use (31) ... EQUIP
which is high quality, safe and (32) ... .The Classic Home RELY
Cycle is a basic model with a (33) ... distance meter and timer. MECHANIC
It has a strong construction and enclosed flywheel for (34) ... SAFE
and both the seat and handlebars are (35) ... to different ADJUST
(36)... so the user can pedal in the most comfortable position. HIGH
With a rowing machine you can (37) ... the arms and legs as STRONG
well as exercise the back. Brisk rowing is just as (38) ... for EFFECT
burning calories as running at 11 km an hour. The (39)... REASON
priced Classic Rower has a seat which moves smoothly (40) ... the whole rowing programme, and is suitable for all home exercisers. THROUGH

Part 4 (30 minutes)

Maximum points - 10

Comment on the following problem: Modern libraries in the digital age should be different from the libraries of the past.

In your comment use the information from the Internet below.

Modern Libraries

Many people, when asked about libraries, imagine old buildings with heavy bookshelves and dimmed light. Libraries around the world are heading into the future, creating for their patrons a more dynamic, multi-level environment for learning and pleasure.

Enjoy most tremendous examples of how modern libraries are shaping the way we learn and enjoy reading in the digital age.

LiYuan Library, China Built in 2011 in a small village of Huairou on the outskirts of Beijing, this beautiful nature-inspired library was designed by Li Xiaodong. The 175-square-meter building’s interior is spatially diverse by using steps and small level changes to create distinct places. The wooden sticks temper the bright light and spread it evenly throughout the space to give a perfect reading ambience. The library has no electricity supply and closes at dusk. Ballyroan Library, Ireland Designed by Box Architecture, the new library in South Dublin opened in early 2013. The new library offers extensive seating and a large study area with many public access computers, as well as printing and photocopying facilities. Free internet is available throughout the building.

Write 100-120 words. Remember to

Make an introduction;

Express your personal opinion on the problem and give reasons for your opinion;

Express your attitude towards the information from the Internet;

Make a conclusion.

Write in your own words.

Похожая информация.


Time: 20 minutes

Listen to four people each take an item back to shop. Match each person with the item they are returning

A) Jane B) Pete C) Henry D) Karen

1. an all-in-one printer

2. a computer game

3. a mobile phone

4. an MP4 player

Listen to the receptionist tell Beata about the range of services offered at the medical practice. Write true (T) or false (F) for each sentences.

5. You can only make an appointment by phone.

6. Usually you can see a doctor in less than 24 hours.

7. Only a doctor can give vaccinations.

8. You have to call before ten thirty if you want a home visit.

9. A nurse or doctor is available seven days a week too give advice by phone.

10. there is a Well Person Clinic twice a week.

11. There is no special clinic for people with hay fever.

12. You have to ask two days in advance for a repeat prescription.

Time: 20 minutes

Read the text and mark statements 13-20 below as T (true) or F (false).

Every day Peru"s Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas, is rediscovered by at least 1,000 tourists who are slowly destroying one of the wonders of the world. More people now come to this sacred citadel in a week than ever lived there in its 15th-cenhlry prime. The attempt to improve facilities for international visitors -better hotels, a helicopter service, and a planned cable car to replace the bus trip up the mountain -has only made the wear and tear worse. For nearly 500 years Machu Picchu was covered by impenetrable rainforests until in 1911, an American scholar-explorer, Hiram Bingham, stumbled upon it whilst he was looking for Vilacamba, the last refuge of the Incas from the Spanish conquerors. It"s easy to see why so many want to flock here. The sight of the emerald green grass slopes and stone coloured remains of Machu Picchu, flanked by its awesome, snow-capped peaks, is utterly breathtaking. It seems now, however, that Machu Picchu is falling victim to its own success. The primary concern is that the high volume of visitors is harming the site"s infrastructure. A survey by Japanese geologists at Kyoto University has suggested the earth beneath the city is moving at a rate of up to one centimetre per month. There are also fears for the welfare of the porters who carry travelers" backpacks in all weathers along the high altitude Inca Trail. As a result, the United Nations cultural agency wants visitor numbers more than halved, which means that visitors must now wait four to five days before getting a place on a trek. Despite this, Machu Picchu remains the number one must-see in South America. And, as such, the hunt is now on for new Inca ruins as a viable, ecologically sound alternative.

13. Machu Picchu used to have a population of over 7,000.

14. The improvement of facilities for tourists is causing environmental damage.

15. Hiram Bingham set out to discover Machu Picchu in 1911.

16. Machu Picchu is surrounded by mountains.

17. Machu Picchu has been too successful as a tourist destination.

18. Tourists must carry their own bags whilst they are walking along the Inca Trail.

19. The United Nations cultural agency would like to reduce the number of tourists who visit Machu Picchu.

20. Machu Picchu is no longer the most popular tourist attraction in South America because many tourists have now found some more ecological ruins to visit.

Read the text, for each question choose the correct answer: A, B, C, or D.

Dear Editor

I am writing with regards to the article "Is the TV Dead?" that appeared in your newspaper on the 4th March. The author claimed that with the rise of the Internet, the TV was becoming less and less significant in our lives.

I find it very difficult to agree with this view. The TV is still the main way most of us get our entertainment at home. It offers us the chance to see top musical artists, great films and documentaries and occasionally, thanks to important televised events, it has the power to bring the whole nation and all ages together in a way the Internet never could.

Your article was particularly critical of the TV for the poor quality of programmes available on the many channels we now have. It is certainly true that many of the channels offer nothing more than repeats or low budget programmes. However, I would argue that the majority of content on the Internet is also of questionable quality. I agree with the writer that it is easy to keep up-to-date with the latest news on the Internet, but I"m sure most of us still enjoy sitting down to the News on TV in the evening just as much.

The writer is correct in stating that the Internet has become our major source for research and I think this is its main strength. However, criticising the TV for not being as good is totally unfair. Information programmes like documentaries are made for their potential as entertainment not as research tools and as such will continue to be popular with viewers.

So in conclusion I don"t think the writer should be so quick to write the TV off. On the contrary, I think it has many more years left in it!

Yours sincerely
Samantha Johnson

    Why is the person writing this letter to the newspaper?

A to make a complaint

B to offer a different point of view

C to encourage people to watch more TV

D to persuade people to not use the Internet

    What do we learn about the writer"s opinion of TV?

A It is useful as a reference tool

B It is excellent entertainment

C It is suffering because of the Internet

D The quality of programmes is a problem

    Which of the following is seen as a problem with TV?

A the quality of some of the programmes

B the lack of entertainment programmes

C its poor use as a reference tool

D its unpopularity with younger people

    What does the writer think is the best use of the Internet?

A to buy products

B to be entertained

C to get the latest news

D to find things out

    Which of the following words describes how the writer feels about TV?



Time: 10 minutes

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

School in 15th century England

How different was life for school children in Tudor England, over 400 years ago? The biggest difference is that not many children (26) had the chance to go to school. Those that went were mainly boys (27) rich families could afford to pay the fees. Girls were (28) kept at home to help with housework or sent out to work to (29) some money. They weren’t (30) to go to school. At school, boys often had to speak in Latin. There were very few books, so each pupil read from a wooden board (31) . They attended school six days a week, and teachers were very (32) – boys were punished if they broke the school (33) . When boys left school, they could go to university, with some boys as (34) as fourteen attending classes. (35) , at that time there were only two universities – Oxford and Cambridge

    A even B never C just D only

    A who B which C whose D what

    A neither B or C such D either

    A collect B bring C earn D win

    A approved B allowed C agreed D admitted

    A altogether B meanwhile C otherwise D instead

    A heavy B strict C annoyed D exact

    A rules B duties C laws D orders

    A soon B small C early D young

    A Although B However C Despite D Because

Put the verbs into the right form.

Dear Anita,

Thank you for your entertaining letter, which (36 arrive) yesterday. I (37 begin) to feel much better now although my leg still (38 hurt) if I (39 walk) too far. Last weekend I (40 see) some friends who (41 spend) their summer holidays just up the road from here. They"re very nice. I hope you"ll meet them if you come here next month. I (42 get) to their house quite easily, but while I (43 come) home, my leg (44 begin) to ache really badly. So this week I (45 be) more careful.

I"m very pleased you (46 manage) to find that book about Indian music that you (47 look) for. I have some cassettes you can borrow if you (48 want)

I must stop now, because 1 (49 feel) rather tired.

Please white again and send me some books. This is a lovely place, but you know me, I (50 get) bored very quickly!

White much love,


Time: 20 minutes

Comment on the following statement.

Is the Internet the best source of information?

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 100 -120 words.

Make an introduction

Express your personal opinion and give reasons for your opinion

Make a conclusion

Name: ____________________________________________________________

School: ____________________________________________________________

Олимпиада по английскому языку для 9-11 классов с ответами. Аудирование, чтение, грамматика, письмо. Критерии оценки.

Task 1
Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph

1 Knowing the good from the bad 6 The worst kind?
2 Different categories 7 Both sides benefit
3 A difficult distinction 8 How to hear lies
4 Why we need to lie 9 Visual signs
5 Learnt then forbidden 10 Not your responsibility
Can you imagine a whole day without telling lies? ‘Yes, of course,’ most people would answer, but then they’ve probably forgotten all those little lies that are said so easily — ‘This is delicious.’, ‘You look lovely in that shirt.’, ‘I’d love to come with you.’, etc. Lying is a way of making life run more smoothly.
We are told not to lie from the moment we learn how to do it. According to psychologist Catherine Brown, this is at the age of about four when children realise they can deceive people. We are not born liars.
In childhood, the line between imagination and lying is often not clear. Children are praised for creative imagination, but generally criticised for hiding the truth.

As adults we have definite ideas about which kind of lies are OK and which are not. Very often the reason for lie is the important thing in accepting or rejecting the lie.
Generally speaking there are three types of lies, and liars. The first sort of liar wants to please people, the second wants to protect him or herself, the third sort doesn’t care about other people and lies to get what he or she wants.
If someone is fishing for compliments and you tell them what they want to hear, you probably think it’s a ‘kind’ lie. However, you get something as a result of this lie — affection, friendship, peace and quiet.
When you lie for self-protection, the reason is clearer. To explain your lateness, you tell your boss the train was cancelled, not that you overslept. You cannot be blamed for being late, because you are not responsible for the ‘behaviour’ of the train and the consequences.
The third sort of lie could be more dangerous. It is, for example, the kind that people tell in order to climb up the ladder at work, without caring who gets hurt in the process.
But what about being lied to? Can you spot when someone is telling you a lie? Apparently there are some verbal clues — lots of ums and ahs — and liars take longer to answer a question. They also speak faster but don’t always give the right amount of detail.
And then there’s body language. Experts say there are certain things that can help identify someone who’s not telling the truth. Speaking through their fingers and putting their hands over the face is one. Playing with their hair or clothes and being unable to stay still for any length of time is another. But the truth of the matter is that we all lie at some time, and if anyone tells you they don’t, they’re lying.

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