Скачать текстуры r3d craft для 1.12

R3D.CRAFT Resource (Resource) Pack for Minecraft

R3D.CRAFT Resource (Texture) Pack Information:

Among the greatest designs which exist. I examined or have never observed this kind of consistency group that was incredible. It’s really amazing! R3D.CRAFT is created about the standard feel pack’s foundation.

If you such as the regular type of play and in the same period enhance the quality of hraphics in minecraft, although you wish to protect that environment subsequently this designs are created for you personally

This bunch will provide more conclusion, synthetic illumination with little depth and shadows and gradients more softer.

R3D.CRAFT is just an ideal for Minecraft enthusiasts who seeks quality in- but they likewise wish to keep sensation and consitently the standard style. That’s the key reason why this consistency attempts to remain near to the unique perspective, by coordinating shades designs and the right designs.

The newest edition is 1.10 and R3D.CRAFT Source Bunch 1.8
In the event that you adore this bunch (or dislike it?) Please keep a remark! Please leave a comment! It is realy awesome! R3D.CRAFT is made on the basis of the default texture pack


R3D.CRAFT Resource Pack Review Video:

How to install?

Here’s a short guide on how to install R3D.CRAFT for all platforms:

  • Download a version of R3D.CRAFT by choosing one of the different versions above.
  • Locate your downloaded R3D.CRAFT on your computer.
  • You should have a zip-file (.zip). Copy this zip-file by simply selecting it and pressing Ctrl+C (for PC) or Command+C (for Mac).
  • Now, locate your texture pack folder in your “.minecraft” folder on your computer. You can easily find it in the in-game Minecraft menu by going into Options -> Resource Packs -> Open texture pack folder . You can also find the folder here: “AppDataRoaming.minecraftresourcepacks” for pc or “/Library/Application Support/minecraft/resourcepacks” for mac.
  • When you have located your texture pack folder, paste the zip-file you copied into that folder by pressing Ctrl+V (for PC) or Command+V (for Mac).
  • Now, Make sure you either have or installed. These mods makes your Minecraft HD-ready for higher resolution texture packs. Without one of these, there might be bugs in the texture and your game might crash. Remember to close Minecraft before installing one of these mods. Do not install both!
  • When you have everything ready, open Minecraft and go to Options -> Texture Packs.
  • On the list, select R3D.CRAFT. It’s usually named something like: R3D CRAFT 512×512 (xx%) . Your game might freeze for a couple of seconds. It really depends on how much quality you wanted and how fast your computer is. Do not click anywhere and let the game load the texture.
  • Profit.

If you see more details on the buttons, you’ve successfully installed R3D.CRAFT. You can now go in-game and hopefully, enjoy R3D.CRAFT and Minecraft in a high quality version.

Новый текстурпак высокого разрешения создает иллюзию 3D изображения и добавляет реализма в игру. На данной странице можно скачать текстуры R3D CRAFT для Minecraft 1.8.

Результат долгой работы над изображениями вышел впечатляющим. Привычный мир Майнкрафт неплохо преобразуется в красивые 3Д пейзажи. Деревья и земля не уступают текстурам сверх реализма. Листва стала более реальной. Если это ель, то выглядеть блоки листвы будут как собрание непроглядных игольчатых веток. На досках виднеется каждая трещинка и неровность. Каменные блоки - не обыкновенные расчерченные пиксельные серые прямоугольники, а выпуклые шершавые плиты. 3D текстуры R3D Craft 1.8 изменяют обыденные верстаки, печи, кровати, книжные полки. Они перестали выглядеть мультяшно и напоминают настоящую мебель. Предметы, картины, броня, даже интерфейс - всё приятно преобразилось. Конечно же, создатели не обошли стороной и мобов.

Для скачивания предлагаются два вида пакета текстур. 3D стандартные текстуры и 3D реалистичные текстуры R3D Craft. Различия можно увидеть на изображении ниже. Встречайте новый мир Майнкрафт, который ещё никогда не представлялся в таком свете.

Различия текстур паков

Для отображения дополнительных эффектов и разных мобов, необходимо установить

I really want to finish this project this summer, so I made a Kickstarter. If I reach the goal, I will be able to dedicate all of my workdays every week for 12 weeks to R3D CRAFT and finish it! Starting 1th of June 2017!

How to download and install (in text, click spoiler):

Spoiler - click to reveal

Here is a short guide on how to install R3D.CRAFT for all platforms:

  • Download a version of R3D.CRAFT by choosing one of the different versions above.
  • Locate your downloaded R3D.CRAFT on your computer.
  • You should have a zip-file (.zip). Copy this zip-file by simply selecting it and pressing Ctrl+C (for PC) or Command+C (for Mac).
  • Now, locate your texture pack folder in your minecraft folder on your computer. You can easily find it in the in-game Minecraft menu by going into Options, then Resource Packs, then Open texture pack folder. You can also find the folder here: AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks for pc or /Library/Application Support/minecraft/resourcepacks for mac.
  • When you have located your texture pack folder, paste the zip-file you copied into that folder by pressing Ctrl+V (for PC) or Command+V (for Mac).
  • Now, Make sure you either have MCPatcher or Optifine installed. These mods makes your Minecraft HD-ready for higher resolution texture packs. Without one of these, there might be bugs in the texture and your game might crash. Remember to close Minecraft before installing one of these mods. Do not install both!
  • When you have everything ready, open Minecraft and go to Options, then Texture Packs.
  • On the list, select R3D.CRAFT. It is usually named something like: _R3D.CRAFT_SR-128x_v0.0.0". Your game might freeze for a couple of seconds. It really depends on how much quality you wanted and how fast your computer is. Do not click anywhere and let the game load the texture.
  • Profit.

To all of you who have followed this project for a while; Gamers, Content-creators, YouTubers, Modders and so on. I would like to thank you guys especially. Your patience is both questionable and admirable. Maybe you guys don"t know, but you are essentially the pillar that holds this project up. Without you, R3D CRAFT would not have been where it is today. Thank you. Thank you for your support.

Feeling generous?
Even though this texture is free and always will be, donations are more than welcome! Donations will only be used on causes that supports this project, like textures, tools and programs, web storage or a future webpage.

Painting-textures : Images used in paintings_kristoffer_zetterstrand.png (paintings in Minecraft) are made by Kristoffer Zetterstrand. Kristoffer Zetterstrand is represented by Peter Bergman gallery . These are original images that the Mojang team uses for their default paintings. I claim no authorship over paintings_kristoffer_zetterstrand.png.


  • Record in-game footage while using R3D.CRAFT as long as you give credit in the description (let"s plays, cinematic videos, reviews, etc...).
  • Use all logos, pictures, wallpapers and other graphical work connected to R3D.CRAFT (not textures), freely, as long as you give credit. You can also change the graphical work after your desire, but please give credit.
  • Customize/edit R3D.CRAFT in anyway you like, but keep it privately. Feel free to share videos and screenshots, but remember to give credit despite you using a modified version of R3D.CRAFT. Even though you modify R3D.CRAFT, you have still no rights to claim author rights.
  • Share just the download-link to this texture. If you want people to download this, please display a link to this page, not a Mediafire link.
  • Re-upload this texture or parts of this texture.
  • Republish this thread/duplicate this thread without permission. Translations to other websites is 100% fine (please include original links). There"s no need to ask for permission if you are planning to republish this on www.minecraftforum.net or as this won"t be allowed.
  • Use any content from this texture in your own work without permission from the content owner (this does no longer include animations, but please give credit).
  • Remix this texture. Remixes count as a re-upload.
Please follow these rules and do not be afraid to ask me about anything.