Сочинение Pros and cons of the Internet на английском с переводом

17 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Интернет

Топик по английскому языку: Интернет (The Internet). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

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The Internet

What the Internet is

The Internet is a huge network of computers connected with each other serving millions of users all over the world. The origin of public Internet goes back to the late 70s and since that time the number of users has been increasing. The Internet is very helpful in our everyday life. It supports a variety of services. First of all one can easily find any sort of information and share it with others. It’s also possible to create your own web sites and publish ideas and information for a large audience. It’s very convenient to advertise goods on the Internet as well as to buy them. Secondly, the Internet serves for people’s communication. You can make calls and take part in on-line tele- and video conferences. One of the most popular services is e-mail (electronic mail) which is much cheaper and quicker than the ordinary mail. You can exchange messages, photos, films and lots of other stuff using it. And finally, the Internet is used for transferring large amounts of data across it.

Why exploit the Internet

People exploit the Internet in order to access news, weather and sports reports or what is more to plan and book holidays. It also provides great opportunities for keeping in touch with friends and relatives or to find someone.

Ways to surf for information

There are two basic ways to surf the internet for information. If you know the internet address you just enter it and find what you need. If not, you should use a search program. The most popular ones are Google, Yandex, Rambler or Yahoo. In these programs we can just type the word or name of thing we would like to find and then press «enter». As soon as we get our results we simply choose whatever site best matches our query.


It is estimated that thirty five to forty million users currently are on the Internet. The Internet calls last longer than the average regular telephone calls. This can cause an overload and, in turn, cause telephone network to fail.

Эссе (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему: The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Still, it is considered to be dangerous to many people.


Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.

In my opinion, modern life can hardly be imagined without the world-wide web. The Internet can be helpful to everybody, including students. Firstly, students can use the Internet for learning purposes. I suppose that it is the strongest reason why they should get access to the Internet. Thousands websites place a mass of good information at the disposal of any person interested in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. Many school teachers create special resources for their students. Secondly, the Internet offers a wide range of leisure opportunities. You can get in touch with your friends and send them e-mail messages, picture-cards, photos. You can make new friends from the whole world. The Internet offers a wonderful solution to the problem of loneliness.

Notwithstanding the advantages, the Internet implies serious risks. I think that dating websites pose a real risk to the teenagers. On the one hand, dating websites give you a chance to find a friend who you have much in common with. On the other hand, your new friend may turn out not to be a person you’d like to communicate with. What is more, it is quite possible that your new friend is a criminal. Such contacts may be very dangerous to you. Another grave disadvantage of the Internet is the presence of much information that can hurt your your psyche and even body. I mean pornography, publication of possible ways of suicide or buying and taking drugs.

In my opinion, the quality of information must be one of the top national priorities. It is necessary to pass laws to prevent harmful information from spreading. Much needs to be done to enforce the laws. Internet providers should have a concern in the quality of information being transmitted through their channels.

To sum it up, modern people are in great need of the Internet. But strong measures must be taken to protect them from bad information. If such measures are taken, the Internet will be safe.

Just a century ago we didn’t even know about computers and the Internet. But today we take them for granted and can’t imagine our life without these inventions. I think that the Internet (or WorldWideWeb) is the greatest invention ever and it has made a significant impact on our lives.

Nowadays the Internet is affordable almost for anyone and it connects people all around the world. You can stay in touch with your friends, relatives and colleagues. Our modern life will stop without the net because it helps to make on-line business transactions, manage our bank accounts, pay our gas or electricity bills and send important e-mails, for example.

The Internet is the largest source of information. There are millions of Internet sites storing plenty of useful data about everything: science, history, psychology, sports, fashion, music, cooking and many other subjects. We can also download our favorite movies or songs, listen to radio channels or play games. Learning or practicing foreign languages is possible with the Internet too.

The Internet saves our time and money. We can do on-line shopping choosing the desirable thing at the best price. And then we just click “Order the delivery”. By the way, we can also sell various things in the net. We often don’t need to go to the library: surfing the net can easily help us to find and open the book we need. Buying stamps and envelopes isn’t required if you’re going to send an e-mail. It takes just a few seconds to send an instant message by e-mail.

The Internet helps shy people or those with low-esteem to find each other on dating sites. On-line chatting through social networking websites is more comfortable for Internet users with the lack of social skills.

I am sure that the Internet has changed our life for the better. There is only one disadvantage about it: some people become rather addicted to it and spend all days long surfing the net, on-line dating or playing games. Over-using the net can be dangerous because new technology victims start neglecting their families, friends, work and real hobbies.


Всего лишь одно столетие назад мы даже не знали о компьютерах и интернете. Но сегодня мы считаем их само собой разумеющимися и не можем представить свою жизнь без этих изобретений. Я считаю интернет (или Всемирную паутину) величайшим изобретением всех времен, и он оказал существенное влияние на наши жизни.

В наши дни интернет может себе позволить практически каждый, и он соединяет людей по всему миру. Вы можете оставаться на связи со своими друзьями, родственниками и коллегами. Современная жизнь остановится без интернета, поскольку он помогает совершать торговые сделки онлайн, управлять нашими банковскими счетами, оплачивать счета за газ или электричество и посылать электронные сообщения, к примеру.

Интернет является крупнейшим источником информации. Существует миллионы интернет-сайтов, содержащих море полезных данных обо всем: науке, истории, психологии, спорте, моде, музыке, кулинарии и многих других областях. Мы также можем загружать любимые фильмы или песни, слушать радиостанции или играть в игры. Изучение или практика иностранных языков тоже возможны в интернете.

Интернет экономит наше время и деньги. Мы можем совершать онлайн покупки, выбрав желаемую вещь по лучшей цене. И затем просто нажать «Заказать доставку». Между прочим, мы также можем продавать различные вещи в сети. Нам часто не нужно даже отправляться в библиотеку: поиск в интернете легко поможет нам отыскать и открыть необходимую книгу. Покупка марок и конвертов не требуется, если вам нужно отправить электронное общение. Потребуется лишь несколько секунд для того, чтобы мгновенно отправить письмо по электронной почте.

Интернет помогает стеснительным людям или тем, у кого низкая самооценка, находить друг друга на сайтах знакомств. Беседы онлайн при помощи социальных сетей более удобны для интернет-пользователей, страдающих от недостатка навыков общения.

Я уверен, что интернет изменил нашу жизнь к лучшему. Есть лишь один недостаток в этом: некоторые люди становятся довольно зависимыми от него и проводят дни напролет, блуждая по интернету, просиживая на сайтах знакомств или развлекаясь играми. Чрезмерное пользование интернетом может стать опасным, потому что жертвы новых технологий начинают пренебрегать своими семьями, друзьями, работой и реальными увлечениями.

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Millions of people around the world use Internet every day.

I have the internet at home and enjoy looking for useful information for me.

Internet is very useful, because it is a huge base of data and knowledge, where you can find any thing you want from movies and music of interest to the vast number of books, newspapers and magazines.

Internet helps to learn lots (или a lot). (можно по-другому: Internet helps studing.)

To find more information, download the required essay, watch video about some books which you have already read, everything can be done through the Internet.

Email is one of the advantages of the Internet.

This online service is cheaper than regular mail, and it works much faster.

You never lose touch with loved ones, wherever they are using such mean of communicatoin.

I have a personal e-mail and have an oppotunity to chat with my friends from other cities and countries.

Nowadays there are very different popular social networks where communication with your friends and relatives also is not difficult.

Today there are many different Internet competitions for different subjects which give students the opportunity to participate even in international competitions.

On the other hand I think that the Internet becomes a way of a person life and it is very harmful for our health. Many teenagers spend a long of time sitting at the computers and spoiling their eyes. I don"t mean that I am against the Internet, but it should have reasonable limits.

Миллионы людей по всему миру используют интернет каждый день.
У меня есть интернет дома и я с удовольствием ищу полезную информацию для меня.
Интернет очень полезен, потому что это огромная база данных и знаний, где вы можете найти любую вещь, которую вы хотите - от фильмов и музыки, которая вам интересна, огромное количество книг, газет и журналов.
Интернет помогает узнать много. (можно по-другому: интернет помогает учиться)
Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, скачать необходимые эссе, посмотреть видео о некоторых книгах, которые вы уже прочитали, все это можно сделать через интернет.
Электронная почта является одним из преимуществ интернета.
Этот сервис онлайн дешевле, чем обычная почта, и она работает намного быстрее.
У меня есть личный адрес электронной почты, так что я имею возможность общаться со своими друзьями из других городов и стран.

В настоящее время существует очень разных популярных социальных сетей, где связаться с друзьями и родственниками также не сложно.
Сегодня существует много различных соревнований и конкурсов в интернете по различным предметам, которые дают студентам возможность принять участие даже в международных конкурсах.
С другой стороны, я думаю, что Интернет становится образом жизни человека, и это очень вредно для нашего здоровья. Многие подростки проводят много времени, сидя за компьютерами и портят зрение. Я не хочу сказать, что я против интернета, но эго использование должно иметь разумные пределы.

17 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Интернет

Топик по английскому языку: Интернет (The Internet). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

Скачать Топик по английскому языку: Интернет

The Internet

What the Internet is

The Internet is a huge network of computers connected with each other serving millions of users all over the world. The origin of public Internet goes back to the late 70s and since that time the number of users has been increasing. The Internet is very helpful in our everyday life. It supports a variety of services. First of all one can easily find any sort of information and share it with others. It’s also possible to create your own web sites and publish ideas and information for a large audience. It’s very convenient to advertise goods on the Internet as well as to buy them. Secondly, the Internet serves for people’s communication. You can make calls and take part in on-line tele- and video conferences. One of the most popular services is e-mail (electronic mail) which is much cheaper and quicker than the ordinary mail. You can exchange messages, photos, films and lots of other stuff using it. And finally, the Internet is used for transferring large amounts of data across it.

Why exploit the Internet

People exploit the Internet in order to access news, weather and sports reports or what is more to plan and book holidays. It also provides great opportunities for keeping in touch with friends and relatives or to find someone.

Ways to surf for information

There are two basic ways to surf the internet for information. If you know the internet address you just enter it and find what you need. If not, you should use a search program. The most popular ones are Google, Yandex, Rambler or Yahoo. In these programs we can just type the word or name of thing we would like to find and then press «enter». As soon as we get our results we simply choose whatever site best matches our query.


It is estimated that thirty five to forty million users currently are on the Internet. The Internet calls last longer than the average regular telephone calls. This can cause an overload and, in turn, cause telephone network to fail.