The black sheep перевод идиомы. Значение идиомы black sheep. См. также в других словарях

Orientation Week

The first of September assembly has remained a traditional event marking the beginning of an academic year also for the students of higher grades, because the summer holidays are over and now there is another pleasant possibility to start a school year together with classmates and teachers. IB Students start the new academic year with Orientation Week, where we get to know each other and communicate School procedures and values, also to have interesting sessions, that will help the Students to pass IB studies more successfully.

The Freshmen Day

Every school has the tradition to initiate the new students of the tenth grade. So does the Audentes Private School. This is the day that the seniors are waiting with excitement, the students of the tenth grade with thrill and the teachers with fear.

Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day is always very much awaited by the students as well as the teachers. This is the day when the seniors can try their teaching skills and the teachers get a day when to sit behind a class desk themselves. Also all other students like this day very much, because now not a real teacher but one of themselves is standing in front of the class, providing an example!

Christmas Lunch

It is a very nice tradition to send the entire school to the Christmas holidays with a common Christmas lunch, enjoying the peaceful Christmas time. This takes place always on the last day of the second school term, after the Christmas assembly.

Global Awareness Week

At the end of January IB Students are organizing a week full of interesting activities-workshops, lectures, global cafe, Model United Nations sessions etc. to promote international-mindedness across the School.

St Valentine’s Day

In Estonia St Valentine`s is more celebrated as a day of friendship and at Audentes School we have a full week devoted to celebrating St Valentine`s. Week is traditionally organized by Student Council and therefore activities differ every year, but usually we have letter box to share the Valentine`s cards and cafe.

Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia

To celebrate this day, very beautiful and festive concerts are held everywhere, and also the Audentes Private School is not an exception.

TOK Week

In the middle of April we are devoting full week to tackle with knowledge questions and organize trans-disciplinary lessons.

The last school bell

This is a day for small tricks. Every senior can feel himself or herself as a little boy or girl of the first class, but also realize with some sadness that the school time is coming to an end.

Graduation ball

Graduation ball is for all High School Students, but with special emphasis to our graduating year. It is traditionally organized by 11th graders and Student Council.

End of the year Picnic

At the beginning of June, when the academic year is about to end all Students, graduates, parents and teachers are invited to a informal gathering the celebrate the beginning of summer.

Кудрявцев Илья Валерьевич

Руководитель проекта:

Дубс Татьяна Геннадьевна


МБОУ СОШ п. Де-Кастри Ульчского района Хабаровского края

В данной исследовательской работе по английскому языку на тему "Школьные традиции в российских и шотландских школах" анализируются наиболее популярные традиционные мероприятия, проводимые для шотландских школьников и учащихся в российских школах (на примере школы п. Де-Кастри).

В предлагаемом исследовательском проекте по английскому языку на тему "Школьные традиции в российских и шотландских школах" учащийся выявляет сходства и различия в мероприятиях, проводимых для школьников российской и шотландской школ.

В итоге исследовательской работы по английскому языку "Школьные традиции в российских и шотландских школах" автор вносит предложение для проведения нового для своей школы мероприятия.

1.1. День Знаний.
1.2. Хэллоуин.
1.3. День рождения Роберта Бернса.
1.4. День Святого Патрика.
1.5. Спортивная жизнь.
2. Традиции в школе п. Де-Кастри.
2.1. День Знаний.
2.2. Ярмарка.
2.3. Туристический слет.
2.4. День учителя – день самоуправления.
2.5. Новогодний праздник.
2.6. Смотр песни и строя.
2.7. Вахта памяти.
2.8. Праздник последнего звонка.
Заключение. Выводы
Список литературы.


Традиция - это та часть нашего прошлого,
которой мы помогаем перебраться в будущее.

Виктор Кротов

В каждой большой и дружной семье есть свои традиции, которые являются отражением преемственности многих поколений.

Традиции школы являются тем звеном, которое объединяет учителей, учеников, выпускников и родителей, ведь школа - это государство, тот маленький мир, в котором ученики проживают целых 11 лет.

Цель работы: выявить сходства и различия в традиционных мероприятиях проводимых в шотландских и российских школах.

Задачи работы:

  1. Проанализировать наиболее популярные традиционные мероприятия, проводимые для шотландских школьников.
  2. Проанализировать традиционные мероприятия, проводимые для учащихся в российских школах (на примере школы п. Де-Кастри).
  3. Сделать вывод о выявленных сходствах и различиях в мероприятиях, проводимых для школьников российской и шотландской школ.
  4. Внести предложение для проведения нового для нашей школы мероприятия.

План работы:

1. Определить список традиционных мероприятий, проводимых для учащихся шотландских школ.

2. Сбор информации о проводимых традиционных мероприятиях в российских школах (на примере школы в п. Де-Кастри).

В сентябре 2016 года был взят план проведения общешкольных мероприятий, которые традиционно проводятся в нашей школе. Следуя плану были выделены следующие мероприятия:

  1. День Знаний
  2. Ярмарка « Дары Осени »
  3. Туристический слет
  4. День учителя
  5. Новогодний вечер
  6. Праздничные мероприятия посвященные « Дню Победы »

3. Выявить сходства и различия в традиционных мероприятиях проводимых в шотландских и российских школах.

Pupils spend at school the most important years in their lives. Their character and perception of the world are formed there. In this period they grow up, get stronger, find friends, develop their talents and skills and begin to understand life. Therefore school remains in our hearts all our life.

I have studied at gymnasium №1. Last year we celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of our school. From my point of view, it"s one of the best schools in our town.

At our school there is everything necessary for our study and leisure. The 3-storeyed school building itself is of a typical design. But its corridors and classrooms are very beautiful. There are a lot of indoor plants and flowers in it. Its corridors are decorated with ceramics made by our pupils and teachers. There are cosy benches where one can sit and talk to friends.

We have a modern library where we can read books, enjoy pictures and virtual galleries, surf the internet. There is a tradition to organize exhibitions and meetings there. I have been able to see pictures of famous artists from our town, listen to poets, writers, artists and journalists in our library. To my mind it"s a good tradition when both pupils and teachers come to the library to meet a famous person, have a look at the beauty of fine arts or just discuss an interesting book which is being read for our "Big Reading" project.

The school hall is decorated with photos of our teachers and people who studied in our gymnasium. It shows another tradition we have. Twice a year our pupils and teachers arrange Project Days which give everybody a unique possibility to learn some skills. The participants do some research and prepare all necessary things beforehand and on the Project Day they make exhibitions, decorate the walls with pictures and handmade things, decorate old furniture, learn dances and songs and do a lot more. In my opinion, this tradition helps us to be united and learn new things which are important to us.

I have always been fond of taking part in extra-class activities such as concerts, debate clubs, intellectual games, sports competitions, picnics and excursions. These activities are popular with pupils, teachers and parents as they help to create a kind of team spirit.

Our school keeps up kind relations with secondary schools in Germany, France and Sweden. So we took part in different school projects and told foreign pupils about our culture and school traditions as well.

I"d like to say once again that school means a lot to me in many ways. My teachers are highly educated people. And what is no less important, their attitude to the pupils is always friendly and tolerant. My heart is full of gratitude to the teachers for the knowledge they give me and to many of my friends for making my school life enjoyable.

переведите пожалуйста,на английский...только не из инета,а сами... В 1977 году состоялось торжественное открытие новой школы, средней

школы №2, города Невельска: В 1977 году в нашей школе было: Учителей 68 человек Учеников 1214 человек Классов 37 Первый директор Любчинова Г.Г., 1977 год В новую школу влились сразу 3 школы: школа №2, школа №4 и начальная школа №6.Лучшими кабинетами в школе были: кабинет биологии (зав.кабинетом Шлюпкина Татьяна Николаевна), кабинет немецкого языка (зав.кабинетом Криушина Н. Ф.) и кабинет литературы.В 80-х годах прошлого столетия, пионерская дружина нашей школы носила имя Героев Молодогвардейцев и всегда была правофланговой.Старшая пионерская вожатая Исаева Г. А. Любимой игрой старшеклассников средней школы №2 была игра «Орленок», учащиеся школы принимали активное участие в соревнованиях на приз «Пионерской Правды», на приз журнала «Легкая атлетика», где заняла почетное 3-е место.Форма школьная была, Украшением всегда! Никогда не уступала Школа первенство другим, И знамена получала, И парады открывала. В эти годы родилось много новых школьных традиций, которые сохранились в школе и до сих пор. Например, одна из них - делать своими руками подарок школе.

Перевести все на английский язык.

1. В Японии и Норвегии существует традиция дарить букеты с
четным количеством цветов. Считается, что если подарить нечетное число,
то оставшемуся без пары цветочку будет одиноко.
2. В
Германии у некоторых семей сохранилась традиция, чтобы на Новый Год все
члены семьи, независимо от возраста, забирались на стулья перед тем как
часы пробьют 12. А с последним ударом все «спрыгивают» в Новый Год.
3. В восточных странах гостю всегда нальют неполную чашку чаю, а
потом все время будут подливать. Но если гость надоест хозяевам, то ему
нальют полную чашку чая. Когда визитер допьет чай, то он должен уйти.
4. В Дании на Новый год принято бить фарфор об двери соседей. Причем,
соседи никогда не обидятся, ведь посуда, как известно, бьется на
5. Если вы окажетесь в гостях у грека, то не
вздумайте нахваливать его дом, потому что он должен подарить все то, что
вам понравилось.

Описать две прикрепленные картинки на английском.

Ниже приведен текст на английском языке, который иногда

используют сами англичане, чтобы зашифровать свою речь. Ваша задача – перевести
данный текст на английский язык, и объяснить, почему именно такой перевод

Ywhay eshay
adhay otay ogay Iway on"tday owknay,

ouldn"tway aysay

Iway aidsay
omethingsay ongwray,

Ownay Iway
onglay orfay esterdayyay.

Education, in its broadest sense, is about the ways in which people gain skills and gain knowledge and understanding about the world, and about themselves. Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life. Many famous discoveries would have been impossible if people were not interested in learning something. Education develops different sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. During all the periods of human history education ranked high among people. Human progress mostly depended upon well-educated people. Self-education is very important for the development of human’s talents. Only through self-education a person can become a harmonically developed personality.

Everyone remembers his or her school and the first school day. It’s an unforgettable event. When I think of my school some pictures come to my memory: I’m on my way to school, flowers in hand, my parents accompany me, saying some kind words and encouraging me, many children with bags and flowers.

Happiness, sadness and other emotions, or even love sick, we all can find in our school time. Going to school also means you will have a lot of friends. That’s why school life is the best time in human life. During this time, we will develop many things like physical development, emotions, relationships, and especially knowledge. Various subjects are studied at school. So we have a great variety of things to choose for our future interest in our professional life.

Our Gymnasium is considered one of the best educational establishments in Grodno. It is situated in the historical center of our town. At school we work at many things like physical development, emotions, relationships, and which is the most important we get knowledge. Various subjects are studied at our gymnasium: History, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, Belarusian, Russian, Literature, Geography, Astronomy, Drawing and Singing. As for me I’m fond of … I work hard so as to gain appropriate knowledge and to pass my future exams successfully.

My school life is connected not only with studies but with many other important things. When I think about my school years I recollect a lot of events. Many of them became traditions because they happen every year on the same dates. Some traditions are similar in all Belarusian schools, some are unique.

The school year starts on the 1st of September. This day is special for all: school children, their teachers and parents. The day starts with the school gathering when all classes and teachers stand in front of the school and listen to the welcoming speeches of their teachers, schoolmates and parents. Students look really nice in their new school uniforms. Everyone is excited to see their school friends and teachers after long summer holidays. After the school gathering teachers take their classes to their classrooms for the first lesson. When the lesson is over, students may have a class event – a picnic or a walk in the park or a class trip. The events on this day are usually the same every year but everyone waits for this day, likes it and remembers it.

Every year in September we have the opportunity to show our athletic skills and abilities during our Sports Day. Though we have Sports weeks every season this day is also among our favourite school traditions. There is a wide range of activities. It opens with a running race. Then we have competitions in different sports, we play sports games, run, jump, climb a wall. Everyone from the 1st to the 11th class takes part in some events. The day finishes with a Closing ceremony where winners get their prizes.

Of course we never forget to congratulate our teachers on Teacher’s Day. Some of our best students take part in School Olimpiads. Very soon we’ll have our last and traditional School leavers’ Party.

I think I will never forget my school, teachers, classmates and our school traditions.